Hot Shot wrote:
I should probably clairify this.
You're not going to do yourself any favors, are you?
Hot Shot wrote:I was mainly talking about the comics like Costa's run which we don't purchase out of principle. I know there are people who did that but torrented anyway to know what happened when the book picked back up in quality. I never did that, but I can't fault those who did.
That's not "on principal." If you dislike a comic, don't read it. Need to "keep current," for the future? Read spoilers. Or reviews. But don't act all indignant because people want to make it harder for you to steal stuff (and then complain about how much you hate it,
on principal.)
Hot Shot wrote:What I have done, is torrent the Marvel UK TF run(which I buy trades of when I can), Iron Man's books up until early this year(which I started to buy when I caught up, then dropped), and Death's Head(Which I sought out trades of later). The fact is, I can barely afford the toys I buy occasionally. I can afford one or two comics monthly, but trades are out of my budget. The trades I do have are from discount stores, or I had to scrimp.
I'm sorry about your financial problems, but that still doesn't give you a
right to just outright steal content. I doubt I could afford to eat at a fancy Kobe beef steakhouse every night of the week, but that doesn't give me the right to dine-and-dash.
Hot Shot wrote:You know the argument that pirates won't or can't neccesarily buy what they download? I back that up. I'd buy everything I've pirated if I could.
If you can't afford certain entertainment, then, I'm sorry, but learn to do without. You can't just decided what you will and won't pay for. The economy doesn't work that way.
I understand that torrenting, downloading, and other kinds of piracy are a fact of life. What I take issue with is people (you, in this instance) that act like doing it is some kind of right. It's not. It'll illegal and it's taking money out of the pockets of people who need it in order to generate more content.
You want to download stuff? Go for it. But don't try to justify it and complain when somebody (in this case, the government) makes it more difficult for you to continue illegal activity. You are against internet censorship for all the wrong reasons. In fact, your reason for being against internet censorship
is the reason it's being suggested in the first place.