Bumblebee #3 Review (SPOILERS)

Over the last 25 years the Transformers have appeared in media from the exquisite to the scribbled and been licensed to the responsible and the... Pat Lee. Discussion of all the branches of TF media within!

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Big Honking Planet Eater
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Bumblebee #3 Review (SPOILERS)

Post by Yaya » Thu Feb 18, 2010 1:52 am

Very strange, this series, as this issue wasn't so bad like the last.

I think what Jack was saying about the second issue and it being charming in it's own way is actually more how I felt about this issue. Reminded me of the old light-hearted Marvel one-shot stories like when Megatron was stolen by that thief, or when Skids got "involved" with that girl. The scenes of Bee with that little girl were very reminiscent of that.

Of course, the story is still lame, but if I approach this series the right way, maybe it deserves more credit than what I've given it.

In any case, still loving Chee's style.

Give it a "B-". Not great, but if approached with a not-so-critical eye, there might be something to like in it.
"But the Costa story featuring Starscream? Fantastic! This guy is "The One", I just know it, just from these few pages. "--Yaya, who is never wrong.

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Post by Sunyavadin » Thu Feb 18, 2010 4:16 pm

I'm getting more and more glad that my local retailer's not managed to get any copies in since issue 1....

Jack Cade
Smart Mouthed Rodent
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Post by Jack Cade » Fri Feb 19, 2010 9:25 pm

This issue's carnival of silliness:

Bumblebee spends three hours hiding behind what must be the tallest picket fence in the world, sometimes playing hide and seek.

Skywarp's huge robot fingers can tap the letter 'y' on a human keyboard, especially when he needs to print something.

It's 2009 and everyone is still running MSDOS. Decrypt the secret autobot communications: Y/N?

The coup de grace - entire raging arguments and complex mechanical instruction carried out over txt message. Bumblebee's going to get RSI if he isn't careful.
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