Well, seems like this really wasn't such a big deal then, pissy Londoners in my telly none the less.
I wagered this freak snowfall was caused by the climate change, aye? But obviously not very many seem to think that is the case, so maybe not.
Would be interesting to see if it comes back next year.
Something I've pondered myself from time to time, what if the Gulf-Stream was to change course? That would be rather unpleasant for my neck of the ol' woods, so to speak.
Wednesday is almost over btw, and no sign of any snow-storm. Huh.
Whilst we're chatting a bit Sweden, where is Ob btw?
Impactor returns 2.0 wrote:Did u learn English in 1600 ?
Schhh! Mark! Don't reveal my super-secret time-travel plan for domination of the British Isles!
Rebis wrote:
Oh, and Predabot, either talk properly or **** off, you unamusing ****.
I think this is the first time I've heard Rebis actually curse at someone.
Wasn't really as fun as I thought tho. :\
Metal Vendetta wrote:
It's bizarre, but it makes a lot more sense reading it with a Canadian accent.
What DOES a Canadian accent sound like anyway? I've been trying to figure it out, but what little I've seen on the telly just sounds like regular yank-speak.
Is it a bit like Aussie maybe? That why Wolverine always sounds like he's an Aussie in the toons? Is it??
I must know! ^^
Ozz wrote:So why did He put England under snow and not Sweden?
Each winter, we go out én masse in my home-town and carve out a giant creature such as this out of the ice, and animate it.
It is usually sent forth to slay our enemies, but has been known to be used for various perverted shamanistic rituals. ^^