The Universe of the Transformers is vast, and populated by many characters. Their universe is a large tapestry, made up of the stories and points of view of countless experiences that serve the larger whole.
These are some of those stories. This is:
It should be noted that this project is not in any way officially affiliated with either IDW Publishing or Hasbro. They're just some short stories crafted by your fellow Transformers enthusiasts.
That being said, everyone is welcome to leave comments and whatnot regarding the posted stories. Just bear in mind that no one has been paid for this work. These stories are the result of people taking the time out of their busy days to contribute to a universe they love.
This piece is called "Running Amuck". Written by Martin Fisher aka Tronprogram, Pencils by Kurt Belcher, Inks by Henrik Horvath, Colors by John-Paul Bove aka Wordmongerer, Letters by Bernie Lee, Edits by Mary Canada aka Doubletake.
Moderators:Best First, spiderfrommars, IronHide