Best First wrote:
I'm intrigued as to this notion that 'burn' is a persistant SF cliche - care to provide any examples to support the usual sweeping assertions?
I think Simon used "been and burned" two other times.
The notion that he doesn't allow the art to tell the story is frankly bollocks, compare the amount if text in this to the KUu issue which you wet your pants about, and look at scenes like Prime's stopping of the truck with the fake streaker on it in issue 2 or Ironhide's exit from the building this issue for example - EJ is given plenty of room to breathe.
Kup was full of internal dialogue, but it actually
enhanced the storytelling. It was meaningful text.
Simon's problem is actually more about
when he uses his dialogue inappropriately. In most scenes involving a "WHAM!" kind of moment, instead of just letting the action speak for itself, the character has to always make some cute sarcastic remark which I feel just takes away from the moment. Like when Blitzwing shot Ratchet in Infiltration, he makes some cute remark, whereas had he had said nothing, it would have been more effective. There are multiple instances where the absence of any dialogue whatsoever would have been better.
Simon uses those cute sarcastic comments way too much with the Decepticons in particular, to the point where they all seem to have the same snide personality. They all seem to be rubbing their palms together quipping "Oh, yes!" Really, what have we seen so far in the dialogue that separates Astrotrain, Blitzwing, Skywarp, and Thundercracker? They all seem cut from the same mold.
That's why Soundwave, Ravage, and Shockwave have always been a breath of fresh air to me, because Simon is forced to stay in character with them.
Oh, and size changing avatars was quality.
Probably my favorite moment in the comic, I agree.
"But the Costa story featuring Starscream? Fantastic! This guy is "The One", I just know it, just from these few pages. "--Yaya, who is never wrong.