I kid you not... Transformer + loli action figure combo... with backstory.

Moderators:Best First, spiderfrommars, IronHide
Best First wrote:I thought we could just meander between making well thought out points, being needlessly immature, provocative and generalist, then veer into caring about constructive debate and make a few valid points, act civil for a bit, then lower the tone again, then act offended when we get called on it, then dictate what it is and isn't worth debating, reinterpret a few of my own posts through a less offensive lens, then jaunt down whatever other path our seemingly volatile mood took us in.
Best First wrote:I thought we could just meander between making well thought out points, being needlessly immature, provocative and generalist, then veer into caring about constructive debate and make a few valid points, act civil for a bit, then lower the tone again, then act offended when we get called on it, then dictate what it is and isn't worth debating, reinterpret a few of my own posts through a less offensive lens, then jaunt down whatever other path our seemingly volatile mood took us in.
I can hear the frenetic scribblings of Don Murphy and Michael Bay as we speak.Karl Lynch wrote:a. There is a market for most types of softcore porn/erotica in most countries and b. most countries tend to cater, one way or another, to these markets for profit (hypocritical or not). Kudos to the producers of this for obviously not giving a hoot *and* riling the TF fandom up in the process
Anything this iconoclastic has to be a good idea imo
Plus, Don Murphy and Michael Bay on the Fatwah list!Karl Lynch wrote:If only! Man, wouldn't that be the most awesome thing ever? Just because the film would be banned worldwide, the Pope himself would condemn it and half the imams in Iran would threaten death on it's makers! The furore would be a once in a lifetime show!
1, 2 : Taken prisoner, XiaoXiao awoke to find her comrades and herself to be eaten by Legions
3, 4 : Preventing Autorooper from completely absorbing the body of G1 Convoy (long story, buy the magazine to learn more), Melissa kissed and fused with Convoy, revealing herself to be a Kiss Player.
5: Back at the liar, Legion's attempt to consume XiaoXiao was interrupted by a mysterious character... to be continue next month.
amoungst other things...Karl Lynch wrote:Does that mean it's... our Legion? He must have a bicycle...
Name: GangrapeThe Last Autobot wrote:And whats next?
A transformer called Gangrape?
Rebis wrote:Name: GangrapeThe Last Autobot wrote:And whats next?
A transformer called Gangrape?
Faction: Decepticon
Function: Spy
Motto: "Hello, little girl. What's your name?"
Bio: Picks up unsuspecting young girls in bars by adopting his Autobot disguise, he later reveals himself to be a Decepticon and, well, you can imagine the rest...
Best First wrote:I thought we could just meander between making well thought out points, being needlessly immature, provocative and generalist, then veer into caring about constructive debate and make a few valid points, act civil for a bit, then lower the tone again, then act offended when we get called on it, then dictate what it is and isn't worth debating, reinterpret a few of my own posts through a less offensive lens, then jaunt down whatever other path our seemingly volatile mood took us in.