It's been a while since I saw III or IV, but I do remember the horribly obvious Marlboro product placement in II - a giant Marlboro van, no less. If they can get cigars edited out of Tom and Jerry on the place of a single call, I wonder if there's a chance we could get Marlboro's advert CGId out of Superman II?
Acutally, I can't remember if anything plotworthy goes down in that scene...they'd probably just edit out the whole scene if they could.
Anyway, I was down the pub tonight, and people seemed to have a low opinion of this movie generally. I think that's harsh - it was flawed and it's no
Batman Begins, but I did get that shiver and that excitement in the cinema so it's gotta be good - I think the problem for me is that Lois just wasn't assertive enough. I just wanted more from her, dammit.
... because the fact that she's in love with him bypasses his right to actually have a life of his own?
That's how it normally works, right?
Normally, yeah.
This is how it went at the Mrs's birthday party last week:
Ms J: So, can I borrow Rob next week?
Mrs V: What for?
Ms J: I broke up with my boyfriend and I have a trip to Stockholm booked and no-one to go with.
Mrs V: All right then, but separate beds.
Ms J: Cool, Rob! You're coming to Stockholm!
MV: What?
I don't even know if I'm coming or going any more.