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Post by jboyler » Sat Feb 04, 2006 1:04 am

I've finally finished watching my 4th season DVDs, and I have to say that its getting kind of repetitive.

Every Smallville episode begins when

A. Clark
B. Lana
C. Lex

is under mind control by

A. Kryptonite
B. A Student Mutant
C. An Evil Spirit

and they run around causing uncomfortable emotional situations until

A. Chloe
B. Pete
C. Ma and Pa

figure it out and everything goes back to normal.

Now there is a running subplot that centers on Lex and various conspiracies floating around. I find this part of the show completely fascinating, but there are a huge number of 'filler' episodes. Argh!

(Just got back from Iraq. Yes, it sucked. Exterminatus recommended.)

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Post by metalhead24 » Sat Feb 04, 2006 2:00 am

Cool! It's just like the "Choose-your-own-adventure" books! I'll have to get my hands on this!
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Post by Brendocon » Wed Feb 08, 2006 10:01 am

I actually thought season 4 was top notch. Well, by Smallville standards anyway. Benefitted from having an actual purpose to the plot (the element search), and the addition of Lois gave things a bit of punch. She's like Anya or Cordy - primarily there to be snarky and lighten it up.

The Lex/Lionel stuff has always been the best part of the show. Any scene with Clark and Lana is usually enough to drive me insane, worse than any Buffy/Angel scene ever did.

The first series was the worst for the formulaic approach.
- Kryptonite-powered mutant wreaks havoc
- Clark kicks their ass
- They retreat to the mutant's lair, which is of course laced with Kryptonite because it's where they got their power
- Clark is weakened, but finally gets around it and cleans up.


Glad they've moved away from all that, though it still overuses the "convenient amnesia" plot device beyond belief.

Season 5 is top stuff so far (just done episode 12 - they almost managed real poignancy). Even if I still can't understand why Lana has any interest in Clark after the way he's behaved in the past. The girl has the patience of a saint.

Plus she's hot.

Though not as hot as Chloe.
Grrr. Argh.

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Post by jboyler » Wed Feb 08, 2006 12:52 pm

Brendocon wrote: Even if I still can't understand why Lana has any interest in Clark after the way he's behaved in the past. The girl has the patience of a saint.
I think that's the worst part of the show. I actually find myself fast forwarding through some of the Lana scenes, especially the Lana/Clark scenes that go:

Clark: "Lana, I love you!"
Lana: "I love you too, but you're always keeping secrets!"
Clark: (Embarrassed silence.)

Not so bad until you realize this same conversation happens in almost every episode.

Although I think Kruek is hot. Like, should-not-exist-because-she-unbalances-the-universe hot.

(Just got back from Iraq. Yes, it sucked. Exterminatus recommended.)

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Post by Impactor returns 2.0 » Wed Feb 08, 2006 12:56 pm

ive missed alot - can Clark fly yet?

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Post by Brendocon » Wed Feb 08, 2006 1:05 pm

Impactor returns 2.0 wrote:ive missed alot - can Clark fly yet?
Sort of. He can leap and jump and stuff like that, but he can only fly properly when he's the Jor-El brainwashed version, free of human emotion and guff like that.
Grrr. Argh.

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Post by jboyler » Thu Feb 09, 2006 4:35 am

Yeah, he's flown twice so far. Once when he was under mind-control by Jor-El and once when he saved Lana from a tornado (I want to say this was in the second season)

But at the end of the 4th season he still insists he can't.

(Just got back from Iraq. Yes, it sucked. Exterminatus recommended.)

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Post by Brendocon » Thu Feb 09, 2006 8:54 am

jboyler wrote:once when he saved Lana from a tornado (I want to say this was in the second season
Last ep of the first. Technically, I think he was just caught up in the tornado, but being superjumpy and superstrong and superfast, he was able to navigate it.
Grrr. Argh.

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Post by Jetfire » Mon Feb 13, 2006 7:33 pm

jboyler wrote:Yeah, he's flown twice so far. Once when he was under mind-control by Jor-El and once when he saved Lana from a tornado (I want to say this was in the second season)

But at the end of the 4th season he still insists he can't.

In season 2 or 3 I seem to recall Clark flying in his sleep over his bed.

I'm guessing the flying is like a womans egg's in her Ovaries. She has the tools to give life but hasn't yet developed the ability to use them.

The initial post about Smallville is a tad late and cruel considering Smallville has moved on greatly from the first season's formula-thanks greatly to Lionel Luthor being a major part of the series and Clarks origin's beimg a even unfolding mystery. In fact each season gets better and better with 4 being brilliant throughout.

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Post by Brendocon » Mon Feb 13, 2006 8:24 pm

Jetfire wrote:In season 2 or 3 I seem to recall Clark flying in his sleep over his bed.
It was the second ep of season 1 or something, iirc... I'm yet to go back and rewatch a single episode of the series, tbh, so I can't say for sho.
The initial post about Smallville is a tad late and cruel considering Smallville has moved on greatly from the first season's formula
Despite it being about season 4?
Grrr. Argh.

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Post by Jazz » Tue Feb 14, 2006 4:29 am

i like smallville and all but he's freaking superman how many more season can they do? they got kripto so i mean all he has to do is go through college and like thats the end of smallville i guess but you know how many more season can they make and matter of fact what season we on now i forget.


Post by Guest » Tue Sep 19, 2006 11:40 pm

Just finished watching the tail end of Season 5 on E4, having recently acquired the means to watch things broadcast on digital tv when I'm at work (in other words, a digibox with hdd - pants reception with an indoor aerial, and all I seem to be able to pick up is the Welsh transmitter!).

Can't see there being a need for a season 7, tbh. Not because I think the show is an entertainment let-down, just that it seems to me to be a logical conclusion for season 6's finale to be one that'll wrap everything up.

Now all I need to do is keep watching Season 4 on C4 on sundays, wait over a year before they start showing Season 5, and by early 2008, I should be back where I was at the start of the month! :oops:

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