Religious Intolerance

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Religious Intolerance

Post by Metal Vendetta » Wed Feb 01, 2006 12:18 pm

So now we will have a law against stirring up religious hatred, but the crime has to be intentional (i.e. they have to prove that you are trying to stir up hatred against a particular religion) and excludes discussion, criticism, insult, abuse and ridicule of religion. Kinda pleased about that, especially the ridicule part. If Tony Blair had remembered to vote (he was defeated by one vote, and he forgot to vote for his own bill :lol:) I doubt religious debates on here would get very far before someone called the police. In fact Bouncelot could probably have had me arrested for suggesting that God did not, in fact, magically create some slices of bread for no particular reason.

Any thoughts?

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Post by Best First » Wed Feb 01, 2006 12:30 pm

i think the suggestion that certain ideas, especailly ones that have no basis in fact, should be afforded special protection is so obviously antithical to democracy that its untrue.

YOU should be safe from attack, your ideas and personal philosophies should not.

I thank Blackadder summed it up best:
Comedian Rowan Atkinson today welcomed the government's defeat over the racial and religious hatred bill, saying "everybody wins".

The Blackadder star, who urged MPs to oppose the governments' version of the bill at a meeting in the Commons on Monday, said the revised law was a good compromise.

"Those who seek to threaten religious communities will know that such behaviour has now been outlawed and those who have sought to retain the right to criticise and ridicule religious beliefs and practices now have those rights enshrined in legislation in a manner never previously achieved," he said.

"With it, it seems to me, everybody wins," he said.
from: ... 55,00.html

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Post by Metal Vendetta » Wed Feb 01, 2006 12:45 pm

In Australia, where a bill was passed banning even criticism of religion, Christians and Muslims have been attending each others' meetings, seizing upon something said (possibly including the words "infidel" or "heathen") and then using that to sue and countersue each other. Not particularly helpful towards a stable and tolerant society, is it?

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Post by Best First » Wed Feb 01, 2006 1:07 pm

apparently, under the original wording, you were ok to say 'Jews are rubbish' if you were qouting directly from scripture (by it the Bible, Torah (unlikley) or whatever) because that is a religous document and is therefore protected, but if you just say 'Jews are rubbish' of your own violation then your as is going down.

simple eh?


Now i am not a fan of the belief that Jes are rubbish but to be i will defend someone's right to hold it, even if i am inclined to verbally rip them a new one for doing so.

Meanwhile som eMuslims in some Middle Eastern countries are not buying anything from Denmark because a Danish paper published some cartoons of muhammed.

Of course i'm struggling to think of any Danish products that are likley to be big that's not the point. Get over it.

Also, why not protect politcial ideals? Many hold these as highly as religion, so why no protect Nazism from criticism along with Christianity?

we are such a ****ed up race.

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Post by Metal Vendetta » Wed Feb 01, 2006 1:30 pm

Weird, 'cause everything I've read in the Koran so far says "respect the Christians and the Jews, they are our brothers" etc. It's unlikely that anyone could find anything in there that says "Jews are rubbish".

Gays, women and non-believers, however, seem to be fair game for everyone. The Old Testament, for example, says it's okay to run non-believers through with a sword, slaughter their children (dash their heads open in front of them, such a nice turn of phrase) and rape their women. Presumably some of that is incorporated into modern-day Christianity and Judaism, after all, it's in the book. Islam even has a word for this kind of behaviour, Jihad. Nice.

See, I wouldn't ever say "Jews are rubbish", "Christians are rubbish" or "Muslims are rubbish", but I definitely want the right to say "Jews believe a lot of rubbish", "Christians are gullible and weak-minded and believe an equally ridiculous load of rubbish" and "Muslims are using their big fairy in the sky as an excuse for some extremely antisocial behaviour, bordering on genocide, which is, incidentally, a load of rubbish". I should respect a person's right to live unmoslested and safely but I don't have to respect their gods and I don't have to respect their faith, particularly when they are using their faith to either talk a load of rubbish or justify some abhorrent action.

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Post by Obfleur » Wed Feb 01, 2006 1:31 pm

Best First wrote: Meanwhile som eMuslims in some Middle Eastern countries are not buying anything from Denmark because a Danish paper published some cartoons of muhammed.
I don't know if this is 100% correct, but there's a lot of danish milk (and milky products) being sold there. The company is named Arla.
Because of the boycott the company wasnt able to open up a new factory or whatever.
But, I am not sure if this is true.

And yes; it's ******* ridiculous
Can't believe I'm still here.

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Post by Metal Vendetta » Wed Feb 01, 2006 1:35 pm

Obfleur wrote:I don't know if this is 100% correct, but there's a lot of danish milk (and milky products) being sold there. The company is named Arla.
Because of the boycott the company wasnt able to open up a new factory or whatever.
But, I am not sure if this is true.

And yes; it's ******* ridiculous
Didn't some Swedish publications reprint the cartoons and now they're in the **** over this as well?

Actually, just checked Wikipedia, newspapers in France and Germany published them today as well :lol: They're going to have to boycott the whole of Europe soon. ... d_cartoons

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Post by Impactor returns 2.0 » Wed Feb 01, 2006 1:38 pm

I think you will find that your not gonna get arrested for saying christianity is ****.

Its for tits like that BNP leader who make claims like 'Muslims are told by the Koran to rape white women'

Did u know its treason to deface an image of the queen on a coin, the punishment, death!. yes treason is still punishable by death. hasnt happened recently tho.

Some faith in the law please.

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Post by Metal Vendetta » Wed Feb 01, 2006 1:45 pm

Why should I have faith in a law proposed by a government led by a self-confessed Christian and that contains members of extremely sinister Catholic sect Opus Dei in high-ranking positions? That has already allowed faith schools to be set up in the UK claiming they will increase the quality of education? If the second ballot hadn't been defeated, insulting or ridiculing religion would have been illegal. The treason thing is an old law that no-one really supports any more but this would have been a new law that the PM himself would have thrown his weight behind - I could see Jerry Springer the Opera being closed down for instance because it suggests that Jesus was a bit gay and wore a nappy. You've seen how vexed and annoyed religious people have got on this very message board when people like myself have suggested that their religion is, essentially, tosh. You don't think Muslim and Christian groups would have been suing left, right and centre if discussion or criticism of religion had been made illegal?

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Post by Impactor returns 2.0 » Wed Feb 01, 2006 1:59 pm

Ok I hear what your saying but the PM doesnt make the laws.

Stiring up religous hatred is more complex then just saying you think christianity is *****.
They are trying to protect relgious communitys from ppl like the BNP.
theres freedom of speech you know and then theres perversion. and its a fine line sure - the police have to use common sense, and then so does a judge.
Take the BNP guy, they needed a trial with video evidence to prosecute him for being a dick, I dont think anyones going to arrest you for not beliving in someones elses faith and questioning it.
Sueing someone would be almost impposible even with the law in place. because the same law would protect you in theory. I can say that my religon is religon X and they are telling me my religon is wrong. so it works both ways.

It just helps the police clamp down on BNP types.

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Post by Impactor returns 2.0 » Wed Feb 01, 2006 2:05 pm

sorry to double post I was just thinking that its to do with what is religous hatred?

I can say, "I hate religon" - which sounds like hatred no?
"I hate muslims!" - is mored directed at a minority, I think this is what they are trying to clamp down on.

Types like that abu hamza and the BNP guy who use religon to stir up trouble and claim freddom of speech? should we not have a law in place for things like that?

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Post by Metal Vendetta » Wed Feb 01, 2006 2:19 pm

Impactor returns 2.0 wrote:Types like that abu hamza and the BNP guy who use religon to stir up trouble and claim freddom of speech? should we not have a law in place for things like that?
I don't know...what if a religion (to pick one at random, say Islam) had, as part of that religion, a directive to its followers to destroy all human authority and replace it with Islamic authority? Would someone who preached that be protected or charged under the new law?
What about the non-Muslim who hears that the Imam in his local mosque has been preaching such a directive to his congregation, and so tries to organise people against what he believes to be a direct threat to his community? Should he mention that Islam has a central tenet that it should destroy all forms of human authority and replace them with Islamic ones, or would mentioning that be prejudicial against Muslims?

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Post by Impactor returns 2.0 » Wed Feb 01, 2006 2:23 pm

I would have thought the law actually stops the Iman from preaching that? as it stirs up religous hatred with the very group he preaches to.

Its one of them laws where U would require faith in the common sense of the police... hmm

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Post by Metal Vendetta » Wed Feb 01, 2006 2:25 pm

Impactor returns 2.0 wrote:I would have thought the law actually stops the Iman from preaching that? as it stirs up religous hatred with the very group he preaches to.
But if it is enshrined in his holy book then it's a restriction of his religious freedom to prevent him from preaching that, because it's actually part of his religion. The law would have made criticism of that view illegal, not the view itself as it would be religiously protected.

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Post by Impactor returns 2.0 » Wed Feb 01, 2006 2:28 pm

Its a bit like jehad, some muslims use it as an excuse for violence, whilst other muslims 'interpret' it every differently and say that violence is always wrong according to the book.

Tricky area, ive got a legal friend who I might ask to look over it and see what he thinks, - for me its all a bit grey, and requires the police to use common sense, but that at the same time is open to mis-use.

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Post by Best First » Wed Feb 01, 2006 5:07 pm

Impactor returns 2.0 wrote:
Some faith in the law please.
Dude, sometimes you are ****ing scary.

law is a human invention - why have any more faith in it than you do in Christianity? It should be scrutinised, questioned and where appropriate challanged - under the original conception of this law half of what you ahev written in thsi forum would be punishable with 7 years in prison.

You can say 'oh, common sense' but if a law has the capcity for someone to be locked up for saying 'Islam is a load of old horse balls' then naturally at some point someone will test this extreme.

And with this chnage you are not protected by 'the law'
The government claims free expression is safeguarded in Section 29k. Apologies here for terrible legal language, but this is the key clause the government will use in tonight's debate to falsely reassure MPs unfamiliar with the detail. The clause begins "for the avoidance of doubt" and proceeds to obfuscate the right to free speech still further.

This free-speech guarantee seeks to protect "debate" and "ridiculing". However, unpick the language: a person can debate and ridicule "unless he intends to stir up religious hatred or is reckless as to whether religious hatred would be stirred up thereby", which immediately removes any extra safeguard. Lawyers say that instead it specifically draws "debate" and "ridicule" into the act's dragnet. Accept no assurances from Goggins on this. Even a senior Home Office lawyer admitted it was meaningless.
What they are trying to clamp down on is not as importnat as what can be clamped down on.

As for the BNP - Words as a threat to stir hatred against anyone is already a Public Order Act offence, these powers exist, and while i think the guy is a c*** i don't have a problem with the notion that they needed, OMG! evidence to use against him.

have faith in the law. Christ. Any other rights you would like to sign away?

Thank god (who is a big smelly berk) this didn't get through as originaly intended.

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Post by Denyer » Wed Feb 01, 2006 5:11 pm

Muhammad standing on a cloud, greeting dead suicide bombers with "Stop, stop, we ran out of virgins!", an allusion to the promised reward to martyrs.

Anyone have a larger scan of the Danish article?
Franco Frattini, the vice-President of the European Commission, called the publication of the twelve cartoons "thoughtless and inappropriate" in a time when animosity towards Islam is on the rise.
If a cartoon sparks violence, it would seem a clear signal that discussion of the issues it raises is needed.
When the organisation Islamic Society in Denmark toured the Middle-East to create awareness about the cartoons, they also brought 3 additional images. The first of the three additional pictures, which are of dismal quality, shows Muhammad as a pedophile demon, the second shows Muhammed with a pig snout and the third depicts a praying Muslim being raped by a dog.
Always easier to work people up into a frenzy when you don't feel the need to stick to facts, isn't it?

Rowan Atkinson has risen in my estimation a great deal over the last couple of years.

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Post by Impactor returns 2.0 » Wed Feb 01, 2006 5:20 pm

BF sorry mate u scare me about how literal you are sometimes.

Faith in the law - I was refering to having faith in our police and our judges to know the difference.

I would have accepted the law personally.

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Post by Best First » Wed Feb 01, 2006 5:27 pm

Impactor returns 2.0 wrote:
Faith in the law - I was refering to having faith in our police and our judges to know the difference.
whoah! no sh**!. qwhen you said law you meant... the legal system? I didn't realise!

- people who enact the law, not define it - people who awarded compensation to people for not realising coffee might burn them, etc. yeah, faith in the system, it never lets you down....

feel free to find the point sometime soon.

nowhere in this topic am i being too 'literal'. I notice you don't address any of the actual points.

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Post by Impactor returns 2.0 » Wed Feb 01, 2006 5:36 pm

what points?

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Post by Best First » Thu Feb 02, 2006 9:30 am

the fact that the manner in which Nick Griffin was acting is already illegal and prosecutable?

the fact that your other rights would not protect you from this law because the clause 'designed' to enable this is gobbledygook?

the fact that with its original wording Rown Atkinosn woul dnot be allowed to do a sketch about an Imam looking for his contact lense and that under the originally proposed wording a judge would have no option but to sentance him if he did?

faith in the law. blind trust in institutions is just as dangerous as blind trust in religous doctrine.

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Post by Obfleur » Thu Feb 02, 2006 10:20 am

They boycott is really hurting Arla.
They usually sell stuff for 1.200.000DKK a day in Saudi Arabia.
That figure is now down to 7.000DKK a day.

39 people (that work at Arla) have been forced to sort of take a pay cut.
Instead of working full time, they now work one week, and stay home one week, then work one week, etc.

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Post by Metal Vendetta » Thu Feb 02, 2006 10:25 am

And all 'cause someone drew a picture. Isn't this playground stuff?

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Post by Obfleur » Thu Feb 02, 2006 10:28 am


The EU parlament (Commision?) in Gaza has been surrounded by these nice people.
They are demanding an apology from France, Norway and Denmark.

It also seem that they said "Hey, it's okey to shoot anybody that's from Norway, Denmark or France!"

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Post by Denyer » Thu Feb 02, 2006 12:38 pm

Metal Vendetta wrote:And all 'cause someone drew a picture. Isn't this playground stuff?
You'd think. However, if people are capable of acting this childishly over imagery, it would seem an incredibly bad idea to set a precedent of humouring them.

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Post by Metal Vendetta » Thu Feb 02, 2006 3:10 pm

Denyer wrote:
Metal Vendetta wrote:And all 'cause someone drew a picture. Isn't this playground stuff?
You'd think. However, if people are capable of acting this childishly over imagery, it would seem an incredibly bad idea to set a precedent of humouring them.
I was going to add some humourous cartoons of our own esteemed leader Besty, but I think I've kinda flogged that horse to death...

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Post by Best First » Thu Feb 02, 2006 3:47 pm

if you will do i will stop buying your £12 comics...

...that i contributed to. bah.

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Post by Optimus Prime Rib » Thu Feb 02, 2006 4:12 pm

Obfleur wrote:Image

The EU parlament (Commision?) in Gaza has been surrounded by these nice people.
They are demanding an apology from France, Norway and Denmark.

It also seem that they said "Hey, it's okey to shoot anybody that's from Norway, Denmark or France!"
Its not? Hmm.. *puts gun away* :sheba: Your time is a comin Preds..
Shanti418 wrote:
Whoa. You know they're going to make Panthro play bass.

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Post by sprunkner » Thu Feb 02, 2006 5:10 pm

Metal Vendetta wrote:Weird, 'cause everything I've read in the Koran so far says "respect the Christians and the Jews, they are our brothers" etc. It's unlikely that anyone could find anything in there that says "Jews are rubbish".

Gays, women and non-believers, however, seem to be fair game for everyone. The Old Testament, for example, says it's okay to run non-believers through with a sword, slaughter their children (dash their heads open in front of them, such a nice turn of phrase) and rape their women. Presumably some of that is incorporated into modern-day Christianity and Judaism, after all, it's in the book. Islam even has a word for this kind of behaviour, Jihad. Nice.

See, I wouldn't ever say "Jews are rubbish", "Christians are rubbish" or "Muslims are rubbish", but I definitely want the right to say "Jews believe a lot of rubbish", "Christians are gullible and weak-minded and believe an equally ridiculous load of rubbish" and "Muslims are using their big fairy in the sky as an excuse for some extremely antisocial behaviour, bordering on genocide, which is, incidentally, a load of rubbish". I should respect a person's right to live unmoslested and safely but I don't have to respect their gods and I don't have to respect their faith, particularly when they are using their faith to either talk a load of rubbish or justify some abhorrent action.
Rob, you should really check out Holy War: The Crusades and Their Connection to Today's World by Karen Armstrong. Or anything by Karen Armstrong. Talks a lot about the initial formation of the doctrine of jihad, as well as the justifications for holy war among Christians and Jews.

Although I'm sure a Muslim would feel differently, as far as I understand it, jihad came about when Mohammed and his followers needed to defend Medina against armies from Mecca. Previously Mohammed had been very peaceful, but he finally declared that, essentially, self-defense was okay. After he died, though, with the conquering armies of Islam running all over the place and taking land, there were some complicated views of jihad created, essentially (I'm simplifying this like crazy, so please don't quote me), reasons why they could fight wars that were not wars of self-defense.

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Post by Best First » Thu Feb 02, 2006 5:25 pm

maybe cos they felt left out.

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