questions about the chinese dvd anniversary box sets

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questions about the chinese dvd anniversary box sets

Post by XbludgeonX » Thu Oct 06, 2005 6:23 pm

first of all, are they worth it? secondly, how many versions of them are there? i went on ebay and found there to be at least 3 different kinds. are the dvds good quality? and are the menus in chinese or english? lastly, is it the original english language voices, or do they use different voice overs?
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Post by jboyler » Thu Oct 06, 2005 10:38 pm

I bought the version that has Prime and Hot Rod on the cover of a white box. I believe they're all the same, but I haven't seen the other versions.

When I bought mine I expected it to be a bunch of cheap bootlegs. However, I was very surprised with the quality of the DVDs. The DVD menus are very spiffy, but they're written in Chinese. However, it comes with a translation. I never needed it because there are only three options to choose from and it is very easy to figure out.

The episodes are in English with the original voices. On my DVD player the DVD would start with Chinese subtitles, but one push from your DVD's subtitle button gets rid of them.

I bought from Ebay user rainbow2004, and I'm a very happy customer.

(Just got back from Iraq. Yes, it sucked. Exterminatus recommended.)

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Post by XbludgeonX » Fri Oct 07, 2005 11:33 pm

thanks for the info, i think i'm gonna have to order me one of those sets, i missed out on both season 3 boxed sets that rhino put out.
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