Red Alert. Fire chief car issue for city with a big budget

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Doug Yarbrough
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Red Alert. Fire chief car issue for city with a big budget

Post by Doug Yarbrough » Thu Aug 18, 2005 6:52 pm

Anybody ever wonder why Red Alert, a fire chief car, is modeled after a Lamburgini? (think I spelled that wrong). Not a very good disguse. Sticks out like a sore thumb. Didn't Red realize that citys don't issue such expensive cars for their fire chiefs? Or is Red just too vain for his good sense?

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Post by Shanti418 » Thu Aug 18, 2005 6:57 pm

He was most likely doomed to be a Lambo considering he was a Sideswipe repaint.

Just like you, my friend, are doomed to a eternity of fire and brimstone spent inside Best First's microwave for your double post. :eek:
Best First wrote:I thought we could just meander between making well thought out points, being needlessly immature, provocative and generalist, then veer into caring about constructive debate and make a few valid points, act civil for a bit, then lower the tone again, then act offended when we get called on it, then dictate what it is and isn't worth debating, reinterpret a few of my own posts through a less offensive lens, then jaunt down whatever other path our seemingly volatile mood took us in.

Doug Yarbrough
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Post by Doug Yarbrough » Thu Aug 18, 2005 7:02 pm

Shanti418 wrote:He was most likely doomed to be a Lambo considering he was a Sideswipe repaint.

Just like you, my friend, are doomed to a eternity of fire and brimstone spent inside Best First's microwave for your double post. :eek:
Hehehe, to me it's like having Hound as a Camoflauge army Ford Mustang convertable with a machine gun in the backseat rather than an Army jeep with a machine gun.

Right, don't know how that double post happened. Note that both post were posted at the exact same minute. Didn't mean to do that. Nor do I know how to remove the other one.

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Post by Impactor returns 2.0 » Thu Aug 18, 2005 7:39 pm

yeah that is an odd one - why did the Ark think it was doing?
perhaps its belved RA could get to disasters quickly...

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Post by Scraplet » Fri Aug 19, 2005 7:57 am

Logic aside, as a 9-year old, Red Alert was my favorite! In reality it would have been a Ford Fiesta or something, but what a 9 year old wants is a sports car emergency vehicle. Or I did anyway!!

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Post by jboyler » Sat Aug 20, 2005 7:25 am

Then again, stranger things have happened. Ferrari donated a high-powered car to the Italian police, so they could run down high-speed racers and get to accident sites faster.


Doug Yarbrough
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Post by Doug Yarbrough » Sun Aug 21, 2005 2:48 am

Well, on that note,
There are some LEO's that use sports cars down. Our local and state police here use sports cars on highways and freeways sometimes. (personally, I think it is a waste of taxpayer dollars thought up by some old Knight Rider fans from the 80s. Police have been chasing down criminals for 80 years in regular "cruisers" without playing like they are on the Indy 500) But I guess it's not unheard of for some citys to use sports cars for their public servants...for LEO's anyway, but even they don't use anything as classy as a Lamborgini. :eek:

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