Richard Dawkins' Root of All Evil

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Post by Guest » Fri Aug 04, 2006 10:07 pm

Shanti418 wrote:D'Oh!

What about those Smurf wannabes that were underwater?
Snorks? Don't get me started on those racists.

Oh, yes. It's all fine and dandy if you've got a snorkel, but if you've got two, they'll come at you like you're Frankenstein's monster in the final castle scene! Talk about genetic purists!

Alligators and sharks, btw, are very unlikely to want to evolve into an intelligent/different form of life. They've been the same for hundreds of millions of years. They found their optimal adaptability niches and haven't bothered to try and leave it. Being at the top of a food chain helps somewhat too. ;)

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