Impactor returns 2.0 wrote:So we are just gods experiment? thats what your describing...
Experiment implies a quest to seek an answer to something. God knows everything, as He created everything, including time itself. Why He chooses to conduct existence in this fashion is His business and beyond human comprehension.
If I have no say in how my life actually turns out: ie. I get AIDS but next life-time I might not. Then why Worship? it doesnt do anything, god had already planned it out according to you, worship would be utterly pointless.
Worship is for us, not God. He doesn't need worship, only commands it of us for our own well being. The benefits of proper worship cannot be understood unless the action of worship in the way God wants us to is performed.
There is a difference between God
knowing what will happen, and God
making it happen. The thing that separates mankind from the rest of Creation is we are given a will of our own. In essence, we are more "God-like" than the rest of creation. A bird has no choice in the matter. A rock, a tree, follow God's design and can't sway from it. An angel, a creature of light, has no will of its own. Man, however, has been given the exceptional quality of free will. Predestination means everything that happens has been
known by the Creator that it will happen.
first question - if it keeps its reason to himself how do we know it is just?
Hence the purpose of Messengers. Angels and Prophets are for that very reason. So we know.
second question - why(believe in a hereafter)?
First, I believe in God. If I did not think this, then I would not believe in a Hereafter. It starts with the question, "Do I believe in a God or not?"
I happen to believe in one God, one Creator. So the next question arises, if I exist, and God created me as He did everything else, for what end and for what purpose? Is it for nothing, or do I, like everything else that exists, have a purpose, a reason for being created? Hence the search for that purpose, which takes one on a journey through the religions of the world. If I believe that God guides His creation, then the truth is out there, whether its 1000B.C. or 2010. Personally, I am inclined to a faith that a) holds God as a singular entity unlike anything in Creation, an entity beyond my understanding except of what He wills that I know of Him and b) a God that has provided guidance for mankind that has not changed even a single iota since the time of its revelation, something that remains in its original form, unaltered by human hands or minds.
so, if this is true, and God is just then it will clearly communciate his standards of good and bad to all with no room for misinterpritation yes?
Justice is not mean punishment for ignorance. If truth is revealed to some, but others never hear it, justice would be that those who never know and never will know be judged by
different standards, right? That's why judgement in the spiritual sense cannot be from a person. No person can know the situation, internally or externally, of the other person. That's why open criticism of other shortcomings and judging them by this is flat out wrong. A prostitute who feeds a starving dog could be rewarded more than a king who prays all the time to God, fasts for him, etc. because only God knows the true situation of a person. The prostitute could be sincere in her act, while the king could just be thinking "let others see how great I am".
Its the personal judgements by religious people, who think they are perfect and can do no wrong, that think that the faith in God they have is something
they have achieved, that turn off the Impactors of the world. People should worry about themselves more and others less. How many times in life do we see a stout believer in God later deny His existence, and seen an atheist somehow by the time of his or her death become a devout believer in God? Worry about yourself, I say, and leave judgement to the same who will judge me someday.
and what about the suffering of those around them, those who love them? How does God factor in that?
Reward and punishment, in essence justice, come to everyone, in an infinite number of ways. Those around a sick loved one are held to the same standards of justice as the one who is sick.
Or are you goingt o tell me that the best way to beat cancer is to start believing in God?
If we base our belief in God on whether or not things go according to
our plans, then faith is on shaky ground. That would mean that when apparently good things happen to us, we should be God-fearing, and when bad things happen, we should be God-rejecting. I don't see this as faith. Faith in God to me means that we accept His plan, for it is the acceptance of this plan that will lead us to good.
"But the Costa story featuring Starscream? Fantastic! This guy is "The One", I just know it, just from these few pages. "--Yaya, who is never wrong.