Bouncelot wrote:
Interesting point of view. I guess you consider the collapse of Communism in the Eastern Bloc to be a backwards move for society - after all, it led to a massive resurgence in religion.
Politics and religon.
You got any actual evidence for that claim? Because the only societies that are becoming less religious are western ones, and the only other examples of countries that have had any significant trends towards non-religious beliefs are communist dictatorships.
Which is pretty muc what I said. western education leads ppl away from Religon as education allows ppl to think for themselves.
You even agree with that.
Not relevant to your claim that religion exists only to control the masses. I can quote hundreds of examples of people whose faith has motivated them to help others. Sure, there are other motivations for doing that, but to deny that Religion motivates people to good works is just plain lying.
And it motivates thousands towards death.
Where as I can just do good regardless.
Which wasn't what we were discussing in this thread so far, was it? I wasn't saying that Christianity was the only religion that motivated people to do good, only using a specifically Christian example from something I happened to be reading when the issue came up.
Point is, motivation via religon is control by cult, if you cant be good without religon, your not thinking for yourself.
Personaly I think if there was a god he probaly despairs of all religons.
They motivate and controll in a way thats counter productive.
Stop press. Impy proclaims himself morally superior to two billion people, almost all of whom he has never met and knows nothing about.
yes because they are religous.
More seriously, do you really think that your life has had more of a positive impact on the worlld than the actions of people like Mother Theresa (I'm only using her as an example because she's a well known example of someone whose religious faith has motivated them to devote their whole life to caring for others)
Your idea is flawed.
Mother T saved ppl not religon.
Are you trying to suggest, and this is funnier, that she wouldnt have saved anyone without religon?
When I save millions via design of a product one day it will be because I wanted to, not because of religon.
I can think perfectly well for myself.
Make that "some guy writes a book which draws heavily on his own experience of what it's writing about, therefore it's as true as any first-hand account can be".
That makes you gullable beyond belife.
Ill write a book "I am god" - do u belive me to?
Hey, its most notable proponents all seem to have been deeply religious people, so maybe there's a correlation there? I'm not claiming that it's only a religious idea, but that many people who use nonviolent methods of protest are motivated to do so by their religious beliefs.
ppl can do good without religon, they can be motivated without religon.
do me a lil experiment, drop religon for 2 mins, can u not do any good without it? are you incapable, is there somthing wrong with your brain that u cant think of right and wrong yourself?
Do you become evil and start killing, can u not help someone in pain, is all of this impposible without religon?
I dont need god, I help ppl everyday, and i dont confuse it with religion, I just know whats right and wrong.
Religion only controlls you, and you dont need it, your so confused you cant see that you can live your life, pure and free, helping others without the need of a book. you are living your life by a book, I can do it without.
I feel sorry that you cant think for yourself.
I bet god does too.
he didnt write the bible, he has never spoken to anyone but a few ppl, and he never once told them to live life by a ******* book - thats a human invention, and its a method of controll.
And that is how History will always record it. it was greater then any King, beyond reason and brought masses together - religons have always been like this. from small tribal types, to christianity to Islam to bizzare blood cults. eather way its a human trait.
get over it.
think for yourself.