But it's the same in the comics, Those who became Cons there were the ones who were more strongly affected by Primus' role as defender of the Universe, except they didn't know what to defend and turned on others of their own kind. Or you can just believe the Maximo and think the Cons are the way they are because they're inherently evil.
The clear dividing factor between the two is that they comic origin origin does not contain 2 distinct groups who were created who went on to become bot’s and con’s. The aspect of choice remains, where as the ‘one to defend’ (Heroic Autobots) one to conquer (Evil Decepticons) clearly suggest you are automatically in one group and sucks out the element of choice and therefore significant scope for moral dilemmas and character development.
Ergo your Klingon’s example is irrelevant – still another lame attempt to add to your list of attempts to put words in my mouth.
I note you continue to keep paraphrasing maximo to support your point when the actual quotes don’t. Maximo never states that Primus
intedned Maximo to be evil, and (as previously stated) it would make littles sense if he did, as Primus already has an evil counterpoint in Unicron. I note you don’t attempt to pick apart the rationale behind my ‘speculation’ that Maxiom’s bigging up of evil is self serving or the fact that his own actions contradict his claims. Wonder why…
The most likley scenario seems to be that Primus, being a bit of a sap, imbued his creations with free will, and Maximo chose a darker path of his own violation. If Decepticon’s had been intended to balance the Autobots from the start they would have existed as a group from the start and the civil war would have raged from Cybertron’s inception. It didn’t.
As for having no reason to lie to Rook? No reason to tell the troops in your service that the service they are in service of is in fact not destined to persist and may in fact get its ass kicked by the forces of ‘good’? Yes, I can see why he wouldn’t have any need or desire to lie if his claims are in fact a bit bolstered – well argued.
I can see what you are saying about God of pure good/evil being kiddy…although I’m not sure how such concepts don’t constitute a ‘real religion’ Christianity anyone?