Yeah, that's basically what we do, except since we don't have earthbind, we use warriors with piercing howl and runspeed on their boots. We don't use entrapment, we have warriors kite around all the legionaires and DPS teams in each corner kill the mages- a combination of legionaires and mages will never be above 14 NPCs, and it's a random spawn. So, as our MCer [Paladin] is running Razorgore around popping the eggs, we kill mages until it's all legionaires. We have druids/Razorgore sleep the dragonkin and hunters kite around ones that aren't slept. Druids/paladins are the main healers in this fight, priests can toss out a couple rank 3 or 4 flash heals when fade is up, then fade ASAP, they need to live to the next stage. When **** gets out of control, is when everybody with fears starts to fear in rotation- a warrior will drop is intimidating shout, go thru caster fear rotation, another warrior, etc.
Our DPS groups in each corner have a rogue and mage, maybe a warrior if we have them to spare. Rogue is set up as the MT on CTRA and everybody assists on him.
Then, when there's one or two eggs left, we pass off mind controlling to our main tank, who's been aggro free through stage one- he's been following razorgore around targeting loose dragonkin so the MCer can /assist him and then use razor to sleep. We do this because after the last egg, Razorgore has aggro on the person who MC'd at that point. At 1-2 eggs, when our fears just can't keep up, we use Razorgore's AoE to get all the mobs on him and off everybody else. Then, the tank and off tank [both need to be decently geared and wear a couple hundred FR] take Razorgore to the corner to the left of the MC platform, faced away from the casters, who are at max range. This is a ranged DPS fight, so rogues get to run around and bandage healers/casters, since the tanks need a lot of healing and lots of healers are probably dead by stage two.
For stage two healing, we designate two priests to only heal the conflagged warrior while everybody else focuses on the MT.. as usual, CTRA mana conserve is necessary. Make sure your priests put rank 7 flash heal back on their bars, btw
If you get the transition to stage two, the fight is easy as hell. We've done it with as little as 24 people up.
Oh, a note: soulstone priests who have a tendency to die.. some just, do in this fight. We haven't been able to pin down what some people do, but they just die all the time in stage one. Anyway, have them use their soulstone right after the final egg is popped, then toss down a major mana pot and keep going.
Uhm, that's about it. Good luck on Vael, Horde has easy mode on Razorgore but the Alliance has it for the rest of BWL, yay

<3 Blessing of Salvation.