World of Warcraft!
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- Impactor returns 2.0
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- Impactor returns 2.0
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erm that cant even be compared - thats like comparing pack-man to half life or somthing.IronHide wrote:Diablo 2 was better.Impactor returns 2.0 wrote:
UO is still god
UO is still so much more complex then WoW that its just funny. and thats why i have a hard time with WOW, I cant do bloody anything, my hands are chained, theres no interaction.
WoW is like Duplo bricks, UO is technicks lego.
WoW is smooth and all the bits are premade - UO is a bit ugly yet I can build anything.
I think im off to look at Lineage 2 in a bit, WoW is fast becomming a dull lvl up contest.

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Lineage 2 is the same way, but the GM's are fairly rude, and all the races are exactly like another. If you have a human mage, they get the same spells as an elven mage. I played the game for 3 months, and I quit when I died and dropped the 150k sword I spent weeks farming to get. Maybe its gotten better since I played, but I moved my money to Guild Wars.Impactor returns 2.0 wrote: I think im off to look at Lineage 2 in a bit, WoW is fast becomming a dull lvl up contest.

- Leatherneck
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- Impactor returns 2.0
- Big Honking Planet Eater
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- Impactor returns 2.0
- Big Honking Planet Eater
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Hmm might go and look at EQ2 then, im fresh out of ideas, WoW is great but its so basic and kiddy it does my nut. pretty to look at thoTired Tracks wrote:Lineage 2 is the same way, but the GM's are fairly rude, and all the races are exactly like another. If you have a human mage, they get the same spells as an elven mage. I played the game for 3 months, and I quit when I died and dropped the 150k sword I spent weeks farming to get. Maybe its gotten better since I played, but I moved my money to Guild Wars.Impactor returns 2.0 wrote: I think im off to look at Lineage 2 in a bit, WoW is fast becomming a dull lvl up contest.

- Leatherneck
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- Gekigengar
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T.T... my characters name's in GW are:Tired Tracks wrote:Lineage 2 is the same way, but the GM's are fairly rude, and all the races are exactly like another. If you have a human mage, they get the same spells as an elven mage. I played the game for 3 months, and I quit when I died and dropped the 150k sword I spent weeks farming to get. Maybe its gotten better since I played, but I moved my money to Guild Wars.Impactor returns 2.0 wrote: I think im off to look at Lineage 2 in a bit, WoW is fast becomming a dull lvl up contest.
Jin Hayato
Katsumi Liqueur
Linna Inverse
Hentai PockyStick
- Impactor returns 2.0
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- ::Starlord
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Oh right I see, so lets seeIronHide wrote:No sir. Diablo is far superior and always will be.Impactor returns 2.0 wrote: In general terms, DIablo 2 is like 1% of UO, and hence its not even in the same league.
everyone knows.
Diablo - designed to be a simple hack and slash game online.
Ultima Online, designed to be a freaking world.
there is no comparisson, its like doom V's Half Life 2 - dont be so stupid.
you cant even compare the two games.
im sorry sir but you know nothing, and cleary when it comes to games, I know everything.

- Señior's Covenant
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Impactor returns 2.0 wrote:im not sure about that - in other mmo's u can
Ah, gracias. Just askin'. Wanted to see if anyone had maybe encountered my buddy. He goes by the name of Apothecary in just about everything he plays. Cheers!IronHide wrote:I dunno, cause you have the option of the North American server and a European Server when you create an account. I suppose you could, but updates may take a while as well as the time difference would be screwy.

Muchas gracias to Mob for the Sig, proving why he's called 'King'.
The "i" in "Señior" from "Señior's Covenant" is intentional and part of a stupid & cheesy inside joke from '02. Thank you for your concern.
- Leatherneck
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Has anybody been playing the battlegrounds? I really enjoy them, and it's nice as a relatively low level player to be able to get some pvp vs similiar leveled players. However, at least on my server, the queue becomes very long-- apparently, the pallys are upset with the format and feel that their side should be allowed to have more players than the Horde-- so they rarely play it.
Well, either way, it got me ranked, so I'm content
Well, either way, it got me ranked, so I'm content

- Impactor returns 2.0
- Big Honking Planet Eater
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- IronHide
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Fraid not my friend. Diablo is the l33t35t! And you're knowledge of games is nothing more than a ripple of water in the wake of my superiority of gaming badness. Booya Sucka!Impactor returns 2.0 wrote:im sorry sir but you know nothing, and cleary when it comes to games, I know everything.
Whats the fun in playing if you can't attack other players? Besides, 1v1 PvP outcomes are largely based on skill of player rather than skills or class. Granted they play part, but I've seen a lvl 60 Hunter take down a lvl 60 Paly and Rouge at the same time, and hunters are fairly weak comparitively.Impactor returns 2.0 wrote: Strolled in and realised PvP in these games should still be reserved for quake.
Click attack - special move - heal - repeat....
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Only Alliance hunters are weak.IronHide wrote:
Whats the fun in playing if you can't attack other players? Besides, 1v1 PvP outcomes are largely based on skill of player rather than skills or class. Granted they play part, but I've seen a lvl 60 Hunter take down a lvl 60 Paly and Rouge at the same time, and hunters are fairly weak comparitively.
Horde hunters = teh own.
(Take down the rogue while ignoring the pally. *Paladins have no DPS and inspire no fear in any class. Once the rogue is down kite the pally for the 10 minutes it'll take to kill it.)
In any case Horde on Malygos are completely destroying the Alliance in pvp and Battlegrounds.
I wont wank as I dont want to feel guilty. ~ Snarl
- Impactor returns 2.0
- Big Honking Planet Eater
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Ultima Online V DIablo
lets see , entire gamming community agree UO is a far superior game and the basis of nearly all MMO games.
Diablo is no where near as comlex or a deep as WoW, not even a tiny ammount of it. where as UO makes WoW look like childs play.
Diablo is not in the same league - and the entire gamming community agree. if you can give me one honest reason why its better without embarressing yourself with "because its better" then I might listen. but there is nothing.
Battlegrounds is partially fun, but its unbalanced to feck - WoW was never designed for it, and it shows, badley.
But I was doing this 8 years ago in other MMO's - when it comes to PvP ill pick a PvP game.
lets see , entire gamming community agree UO is a far superior game and the basis of nearly all MMO games.
Diablo is no where near as comlex or a deep as WoW, not even a tiny ammount of it. where as UO makes WoW look like childs play.
Diablo is not in the same league - and the entire gamming community agree. if you can give me one honest reason why its better without embarressing yourself with "because its better" then I might listen. but there is nothing.
Battlegrounds is partially fun, but its unbalanced to feck - WoW was never designed for it, and it shows, badley.
But I was doing this 8 years ago in other MMO's - when it comes to PvP ill pick a PvP game.

- Leatherneck
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- Impactor returns 2.0
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- ::Starlord
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because some classes which should be good at PvP - hmm lets think, a warrior, are crap at PvP - which is daft obviously.
Its far from balanced.
actually any lvl based MMO is always un-balanced because someone a few lvls higher is always going to win, and so its a race to be lvl 60 or dont bother.
Where as XP based skill games allow for a far greater range in ablity.
WoW chose the lvl system as its simple to use and understand, where more complex MMO's use the XP system to tailor a characters skill sets.
Thats not to argue how fun it is, WoW does very well in that department - its simple yet effective, like may a good game are. I just feel I scratched the surface by week 2 (albiet im used to these games) and there was nothing underneath.
Its far from balanced.
actually any lvl based MMO is always un-balanced because someone a few lvls higher is always going to win, and so its a race to be lvl 60 or dont bother.
Where as XP based skill games allow for a far greater range in ablity.
WoW chose the lvl system as its simple to use and understand, where more complex MMO's use the XP system to tailor a characters skill sets.
Thats not to argue how fun it is, WoW does very well in that department - its simple yet effective, like may a good game are. I just feel I scratched the surface by week 2 (albiet im used to these games) and there was nothing underneath.

- IronHide
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I would own your face with my Paly.Computron wrote: *Paladins have no DPS and inspire no fear in any class.

That's why you should switch to Suramar, the horde need help....there's only 1 big daddy clan there.....Computron wrote: In any case Horde on Malygos are completely destroying the Alliance in pvp and Battlegrounds.
I believe both are online role playing games, therefore they are indeed in the same league. As for the opinion of the gaming community, whoopity-do, i know plenty of people who abhor and detest UO and would much rather play Diablo. As for an honest reason......cause I said so. Also, I feel no embarassment, in all honesty I was just trying to rile you, which, I seem to have succeeded in doing, Muahahahahahar!!!Impy wrote:Diablo is not in the same league - and the entire gamming community agree. if you can give me one honest reason why its better without embarressing yourself with "because its better" then I might listen. but there is nothing.
- Leatherneck
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Only Protection specced warriors suck at pvp. Arms/Fury warriors are a terror on the battlefield.Impactor returns 2.0 wrote:because some classes which should be good at PvP - hmm lets think, a warrior, are crap at PvP - which is daft obviously.
Intercept, Hamstring, Whirlwind + Plate = 4-5 dead alliance before the warrior is taken down.
I wont wank as I dont want to feel guilty. ~ Snarl
- Optimus Prime Rib
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Really? In that case Night Elf Druids are the epitome of ownage because I take hunters out with ease. Its Shamans that wreck house IMO.Computron wrote:
Horde hunters = teh own.
Bottom line is every race/class is stronger/weaker vs others. Druids have the benefit of Hibernate which effectively wipes out any advantage a hunter may have. Put the little beastie to sleep and you have a 30 second window with which to pound away on the poor hunter who is now facing a character that can attack in 4 different ways. Healing Druids DPS sucks but feral druids are a force to be reckoned with.
Faerie Fire in any form

Shanti418 wrote:
Whoa. You know they're going to make Panthro play bass.
- Optimus Prime Rib
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Im back!! BronzeBeard server
this is from my guilds forum
Wish I can take credit for this but I can't, pulled this off of the WoW forums
There was once a kid who went to the Blizzard God..
He said,
"I want 2 be an ubar tank?!11", and Blizzard gave him shield and mail
He said,
"lolo I wunt 2 be a maege 2", and Blizzard gave him instant nukes
He said,
"I want to heal", and Blizzard gave him heals
He said,
"but WTF? Druids getz formz so ken i tu plxz?", and Blizzard gave him wolf form
He said,
"OMGLOLOL, my heals r not teh instantz", and Blizzard gave him nature's swift
He said,
"OMG but warriorz r teh hit so hard wit teh weaponz?", And Blizzard gave him Windfury
He said,
"BUT TETZ NO FAIRZ, teh enemyz r having pewerful bufforz?", And Blizzard gave him an instant low mana, cast Purge
He said,
"K BUT I STILL KENT kite 4ever lyk teh OMG?", and Blizzard made the frostshock effect last longer than
the cooldown
So the kid went on killing lowbies, shouting "WTFLOLOL PWND n00Bz0Rs" and using /spit.
After 7 hours of corpse camping, something terrible happened! A bunch of level 60 alliance guys managed
to zerg the shaman!
The kid went to the Blizzard God and said,
"OMGWTF, I R TEH DIEDZ BT I DUNT WUNT 2 do teh corpze runzors? i die lyk wtf i shundnt ROFL!"", And Blizzard
gave him a self rez with no sickness
And so the shaman class was born

this is from my guilds forum
Wish I can take credit for this but I can't, pulled this off of the WoW forums
There was once a kid who went to the Blizzard God..
He said,
"I want 2 be an ubar tank?!11", and Blizzard gave him shield and mail
He said,
"lolo I wunt 2 be a maege 2", and Blizzard gave him instant nukes
He said,
"I want to heal", and Blizzard gave him heals
He said,
"but WTF? Druids getz formz so ken i tu plxz?", and Blizzard gave him wolf form
He said,
"OMGLOLOL, my heals r not teh instantz", and Blizzard gave him nature's swift
He said,
"OMG but warriorz r teh hit so hard wit teh weaponz?", And Blizzard gave him Windfury
He said,
"BUT TETZ NO FAIRZ, teh enemyz r having pewerful bufforz?", And Blizzard gave him an instant low mana, cast Purge
He said,
"K BUT I STILL KENT kite 4ever lyk teh OMG?", and Blizzard made the frostshock effect last longer than
the cooldown
So the kid went on killing lowbies, shouting "WTFLOLOL PWND n00Bz0Rs" and using /spit.
After 7 hours of corpse camping, something terrible happened! A bunch of level 60 alliance guys managed
to zerg the shaman!
The kid went to the Blizzard God and said,
"OMGWTF, I R TEH DIEDZ BT I DUNT WUNT 2 do teh corpze runzors? i die lyk wtf i shundnt ROFL!"", And Blizzard
gave him a self rez with no sickness
And so the shaman class was born

Shanti418 wrote:
Whoa. You know they're going to make Panthro play bass.
- Leatherneck
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- Laser Rod Optimus Prime
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Have you made it to Lion's Arch yet? I could swear I've seen Katsumi Liqueur in the Lion's Arch Arenas...Gekigengar wrote:
T.T... my characters name's in GW are:
Jin Hayato
Katsumi Liqueur
Linna Inverse
Hentai PockyStick
And you do know once you add just one of a person's names on your buddy list, that every name on that persons account will show up...right?
P.S. Andrea O is my main character's name.