Christian Bale - yes
When it comes to Batman comics, I've only read The Long Halloween, The Killing Joke and
The Dark Knight Returns.
And from what I remember, Bruce Wayne doesnt figure very much in these comics.
So I ask you: What's Bruce Wayne actually like?
I like the Bruce Wayne in The Dark Knight Returns. You can really feel the insanity, the anger and the sorrow in him (and sometims it's like he's almost schizophrenic).
Alot of these emotions comes from Bruce Wayne not being Batman anymore - so some of it might not fit the Bruce Wayne that'll be in Batman Begins.
But I'd like to see some of the insanity from Dark Knight Returns, in Batman Begins.
And I love how evil Bruce/Bats looks like when he's smiling. He's really enjoying being Batman, and scaring the crap out of everybody.
It's the psychological side of the whole Bats/Bruce relationship that interests me.
The time has come.
You know it in your soul.
For I am your soul... You cannot escape me.
You are puny,
you are small...
You are nothing - a hollow shell, a rusty trap that cannot hold me.
Smoldering, I burn you... burning you, I flare, hot and bright and fierce and beautiful.
You cannot stop me, not with wine or vows or the weight of age.
You cannot stop me but still you try... still you run...
You try to drown me out...
But your voice is weak...
It's just... awesome
Anyways... what's Bruce actually like? He's a welthy buisnessman, which means that he must be able to act 'properly' amongst people.
But what's he like behind closed doors?
And how do you want Bruce Wayne/Batman to be like in the movie?
As I've already said, I'd like to see some bat**** crazy stuff go down.
Some psychological depth - and I have a feeling we'll see at least some of that.
Edit: I understand that Bats isn't always crazy, and I dont consider him to be a maniac or something.
But I do want the whole 'my parents got murdered' to be a large part of his Batman transformation - and I do want him to come off as a little crazy, as well as an intelligent human being with feelings.
Can't believe I'm still here.