Energon and Cybertron.
Classics, G1, and Botcon(It's hard to see, but there's a 2005 Botcon Ramjet on top of Sideswipe).
Titaniums, BW, and Universe(Plus some Armada and RID cons got in the pic).
RID and Armada.
McDonalds and other stuff.
PVCs, comics, and other stuff.
I also have 10th anniversary Rattrap and Tarantulus coming as well as both of the Botcon Beast Wars posters.EDIT: I also bought a Tit. Sunstorm after I took the pictures. I am also missing a few parts(RID Magnus's missiles, Cyb. Thundercracker's key, McD's Smokescreen's crane).
If anyone wants some extreme close-ups, check my full gallery here.