Classics Optimus Prime (review)

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Classics Optimus Prime (review)

Post by Kaylee » Sat May 26, 2007 8:37 pm

Name: Optimus Prime (Deluxe)
Series: Transformers Classics
Accessories: Photon rifle
Yet another incarnation of the feared, awe-inspiring and snappily dressed Optimus Prime- keeper of the creation matrix, devourer of sandwiches and professional chocolate worrier. This is potentially the 459,912nd variant on the character (but who's counting?).

The first incarnation, as we all know, was kicking around the Far East in the 70's escorting small, magnetic pilots in dangerous missions before being drafted into the Transformers franchise in the early 80's and dubbed Optimus Prime (or Convoy depending on your locale) and leading his heroic and exceedingly fashionable Autobots to numerous victories over the cantancerous Megatron.

Based on his cartoon incarnation from the era made by Marvel/Sunbow, which looked slightly less like a shoe-box on stilts, Classics Deluxe Prime boasts that most recent of technological advances in his vaguely human proportions and comes complete with a photon rifle very similar to his weapon in the same animated show.

As with most modern Transformers, except those dang ones made out of hand-painted clay which I just can't make transform except into a... broken... Classics Oppy sports all the usual points of articulation we've come to expect from a self-respecting member of the clan Optimii.

We have moving toes, knees, hips, waiste, neck, shoulders, elbows and wrists. Great stuff so far :up:

The figure is also nice and light, being constructed from entirely plastic. Now, whilst normally I like a little lead to weigh down my Transformers and help squash that sense of buyer's remorse at the departing tail of yet another pay-cheque, Prime gets away with it quite nicely. Thanks to his small size, his weight is just about right. It also means he is nicely poseable- whereas any extra weight would send him down like the Captain of the Titanic.

Also, despite standing just about 5" tall he crams in a surprising amount of detail- we have transparent eyes which 'light up' when you get the sun behind him, vents, lights, exposed machinery and other details all over him.

As a nice addition of detail, he also exhibits transparent cab windows.

In vehicle mode, he makes a good passing stab at turning into the obligatory flat-faced semitruck... although he obviously couldn't be bothered to revise and just tried to wing it at the last minute. Whilst the vehicle isn't the best thing since power-stearing, bearing in mind that his primary focus is on looking like a decent robot first and foremost I can forgive that quite easily.

Finally, as a toy, he's fiercely playable. Regardless what anyone will say, there's no male adult on earth who can resist bungling around with a transformer, transforming it back and forth until they get sick of it. I must say, that moment hasn't come yet. His transformation is just complicated enough for his size (which a couple of nice spring-loaded touches in his hips) to keep him interesting and entertaining.

In honest... not much. I really like this little figure, considering he's relatively cheap (compared to, oooooh, say £100'ish for Masterpiece Convoy) and does exactly what he says on the tin.

If we have to nitpick, it would quite simply be his rather misshaped robot mode. It gives one the impression that Takara made it all the way up to the night before mass-production before some bright spark suddenly said-

"Oh wait, that niggling doubt I had? I've remembered what it was- he turns into a truck!"

Suddenly panic ensued, and with a bit of creative thinking they managed to squeeze this out at the last moment.

That said, as I qualified, for a toy this size and this cheap I really don't mind. Plus it doesn't detract in the slightest from his playability.

In short, a quality little 'bot with a good level of detail, articulation and a horrendous level of playability. The vehicle mode is a bit of a poor-quality fax duplicate (drawn on the bus into work) but I'd be lying if I said it detracted from him in any way. A good quality little beasty and worth snaffling if you catch him in the sales!

Rating: Good


Post by Guest » Sat May 26, 2007 11:19 pm

I'd agree with all that.

So, did ya get him separately, or, as I did, in a 2-set with a tank Megatron and cheesy Armada/Energon/Cybertron DVD?

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Post by Hot Shot » Sun May 27, 2007 1:30 am

Nice review. I can't understand why everyone despises him. Sure, the vehicle mode is wanting, and he comes apart at the waist sometimes, but he has the closest transformation to G1 cartoon Prime that I have ever seen.

Plus that rifle rules. :o
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Post by Kaylee » Sun May 27, 2007 12:20 pm

Rebis wrote:I'd agree with all that.

So, did ya get him separately, or, as I did, in a 2-set with a tank Megatron and cheesy Armada/Energon/Cybertron DVD?
Got him in the two-set, so there'll probably be a review of Megsy turning up soon :)

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Post by Predabot » Sun May 27, 2007 2:16 pm

Cool stuff. As a small side-note I might mention that Prime and some of the other lads were probably designed by... the DON! :)

This is apparently also why Jetfire looks the same in toy-form as he did in Stormbringer.. :o

Man.. this and Titanium was such an awesome line... I predict this will be THE line that collectors will be grubbing for getting a complete set of in the years to come.

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Post by Kaylee » Sun May 27, 2007 3:16 pm

Wouldn't surprise me actually, nice variety, good quality and made in sufficient numbers for people to initially pass them by and make them rare.

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Post by Hound » Sun May 27, 2007 3:39 pm

Predabot wrote:Cool stuff. As a small side-note I might mention that Prime and some of the other lads were probably designed by... the DON! :)

This is apparently also why Jetfire looks the same in toy-form as he did in Stormbringer.. :o

Man.. this and Titanium was such an awesome line... I predict this will be THE line that collectors will be grubbing for getting a complete set of in the years to come.
I disagree, I picked up a number of Titaniums, including Soundwave and Rodimus, and Jetfire aside they are crap.

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