yellow windcharger?
Moderators:Best First, spiderfrommars, IronHide
im currently in negotiations for a yellow version of windcharger(the seller calls it camaro bumblebee its from argentina) if i cant work out a trade with him how much shall i pay?(its still on card)
a rainbow is more than it seems,its happiness,wonder,excitement and dreams ... ellow.html ... arger.html
Is it definately the Argentininian? The Euro looks awful.
I suppose you could ask the guy at the above site, he seems to know his stuff. ... arger.html
Is it definately the Argentininian? The Euro looks awful.
I suppose you could ask the guy at the above site, he seems to know his stuff.
Here's a moc one going for 11.95 plus inflated ebay shipping costs ... eName=WDVW ... eName=WDVW