Pre-Surgery Consultation: G1 Optimus Prime

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Got turned into the Spacebridge
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Pre-Surgery Consultation: G1 Optimus Prime

Post by shaxper » Sun Feb 20, 2005 7:23 pm

I've recently purchased a TRU Commemorative Edition Optimus Prime, and plan to kit-bash it with an original, less-than-mint Pre-Rub Optimus Prime (Gray roller, metal plate version), in order to create a mint and complete Pre-Rub version. Here's what I plan to do. Please, anyone, let me know if you have any experience with this, and if I'm setting myself up to have two broken Primes and nothing to show for it:

The general idea is to use the CE's cab body and trailer mechanical arm. However, the CE cab will need the roof panel that doesn't have the rub sticker on it. It will also need long smoke stacks.

step 1: Replace CE's smoke stacks with those from the pre-rub (will it just stick in, or do I need a glue gun?)

step 2: Replace CE's roof panel with pre-rub's.

step 3: Put CE's head on the pre-rub roof panel (can I just screw them on and off if I remove the CE version's rub sticker?)

step 4: Replace pre-rub trailer's broken mechanical arm with CE's (is this even possible?).

So that's the plan. Is it doable? Will there be any way of distinguishing this from an authentic mint original when I'm done?

Much thanks.

Got turned into the Spacebridge
Joined:Mon Dec 11, 2000 12:00 am
Location:Lakewood, OH.

Post by shaxper » Mon Feb 21, 2005 3:31 pm


I figured out how to do the trailer part (I think). As for the cab, would it just be easier to use the CE cab in its entirety and remove the rub sticker? Does anyone have a good strategy for removing a rub sticker (they seem difficult to remove)?

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