Windblade #2

Over the last 25 years the Transformers have appeared in media from the exquisite to the scribbled and been licensed to the responsible and the... Pat Lee. Discussion of all the branches of TF media within!

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inflatable dalek
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Windblade #2

Post by inflatable dalek » Sat May 24, 2014 7:34 am

Thought it remained a generally solid read, though I'm still hoping for a twist where Starscream isn't behind what's going on (why trust Waspinator anyway?).

I do think the political side of things is being handled much better than when it was RID's preserve, and it feels nice and pacey as well which is a bonus.

Though with all this talk of buying drinks... how is anyone making any "Money" (Energon chips?) in order to pay Blurr? He only ever seems to have the same six customers, if they spend all day getting pissed how do they afford it? Does Waspinator seem like a bot of limitless wealth?

We could really do with seeing some characters who have no problem with Starscream being in charge, at the moment we're only getting the impression everyone hates him, which just makes you wonder why they don't just tell him to sod off (having those long promised elections in the six month gap and Starscream winning legitimately would have dealt with a lot of that).

An Issue By Issue Look At The Marvel UK Transformers Comic.

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Best First
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Re: Windblade #2

Post by Best First » Tue May 27, 2014 10:57 am

Agree - the masses all seem to like him. But everyone shown thinks he is total sh*t.

Bit like f*cking UKIP.

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