He left him alive out of malice.Auntie Slag wrote:But if Shockwave has deactivated the killswitch (and he must’ve done, otherwise Overlord wouldn’t have let him leave Garrus 9), then there’s no purpose in Overlord leaving Chromedome alive, seeing as he’d have no further use for Mnemonics.
Doesn't mean he won't kill him later - but in the meanwhile he has aching seconds to get to the door knowing that in all liklihood by the time he does everyone, incluing his best friend, will be dead, and it's all his fault.
Which is exactly why Overlord is such a brillinat bad guy - because he's a total sh*t.
On the indestructability bit - it's his endo-skeleton (as aclearly shown) that is coated, not his entire exo-structure, which are the bits that got blown up in LSOTW - i sincrely doubt he has indestructable metal over his eyes because you know... seeing matters.
So i don't think there is anything funny going on in either of these cases.
Agree with MV that Red Alert was the trigger for the DJD.
And ooooooh! Drift... swords... beheading... oh my!
Can't wait to read this on something bigger than an iphone...