Is it worth picking up again?

Over the last 25 years the Transformers have appeared in media from the exquisite to the scribbled and been licensed to the responsible and the... Pat Lee. Discussion of all the branches of TF media within!

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Is it worth picking up again?

Post by JawBreaker » Mon Aug 30, 2010 2:05 am

I must confess, I haven't purchased a Transformers comic since issue 3 of Devastation (or issue 4 of Megatron: Origins, depending on which was later), I would like to fall back upon a cavalcade of thrilling reasons but really I just lost enthusiasum and as ridiculous as it may sounds after moving to London I couldn't comfortably afford to follow everything I was previously (Spotlights, Generations, Beast Wars ((Though wasn't 'The Gathering' rather good for what it was?)) and so on), so I threw the hypothetical towel in on everything.

Yes I even miss Last Stand, though I oh so sneakily peeked though enough copies (take that ForbiddenPlanet!) to realized it seemed to focus almost entirely in characterizing my cherished childhood toys and handing them red shirts before decimating them with remorseless glee and zeal.

The question is this, now I'm slightly better off, is it worth picking it all back up again (?) and has much really happened since ?

I only ask that as the Ongoing did seem to move painfully slow, with the Spotlights seemingly doing the most to push the plot forward.

Cheers Chums!

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Post by Best First » Mon Aug 30, 2010 9:01 am

I'd get everything up to the end of Revelation, skip the godawful All Hail Megatron + the new ongoing stuff, and pick up Last Stand.

BB mini series was poor. Ironhide was ok, but not indespensible, esp if you don't bother with the new ongoing.

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Post by Impactor returns 2.0 » Mon Aug 30, 2010 9:11 am

Last stand is ace, I found the rest to be pretty rubbish...and I fall into the camp of, 'they still havent hit the highs of the G1 comic'...its all a bit annoying frankly.

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Post by Yaya » Mon Aug 30, 2010 6:40 pm

After Furman's stuff, I would read:

Last Stand of theWreckers

Issue #4 of ongoing, then probably read #6

Ironhide mini
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Post by Jack Cade » Tue Aug 31, 2010 11:02 am

The trouble is that Last Stand and the odd issue of the Ongoing will be hard going in some places if you haven't been following the main story. But the main story isn't worth paying for, imo. So borrow/torrent it, but only actually buy the rest of Devastation, then Revelation, Max Dinobots, Spotlights vol 3 and LSotW. The Ironhide mini maybe deserves a purchase too, though not as separate issues because it's very deflated. Wait for the trade.
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Post by spiderfrommars » Tue Aug 31, 2010 6:46 pm

Any of these in TPB form and worth a buy then?

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Post by Sunyavadin » Thu Sep 02, 2010 10:13 am

Asking if the current ongoing is worth picking up again basically comes down to a simple question:

If the last story you'd read was Time Wars, or Space Pirates, or Dinobot Hunt - would you consider it to be worth picking up the G2 Annual?

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Post by snarl » Fri Sep 03, 2010 9:42 am

It might make you go blind, it will definitely smell, but it is cheaper and easier to just rub **** into your own eyes.

What I'm getting at is: whichever of these options you choose, you'll end up regretting it.

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