Yaya wrote:
"Woefully short"? "Missed by a mile"?
See, what bewilders me is how one can so harshly critique AHM and McCarthy whilst putting on the kid gloves for Simon. I think there is an inherent bias in favor of Simon in your assessment.
There isn't. It's as I've described - Simon is succeeding in his aims, albeit that his aims could be said to be unambitious, and more like the kind of story that could be written for a younger audience. Your earlier objection to it, I think, cements the fact that your objection is MD isn't even
trying to be the kind of thing you want from a TF comic. You're asking for one thing and he's giving you another - that isn't grounds for serious criticism. That's just your tastes.
McCarthy is a different kettle of fish because he's obviously
aiming to write something closer to what you want out of your TF comics but he is failing in a manner that is painful to experience. The idea that objections to AHM all revolve around it being a 'different style' is nonsense - a huge amount of what is excruciating about it is understanding what a scene is supposed to convey and instantly weighing that against what has been achieved.
Case in point: Jazz's kung fu versus the arrival of the Monsterbots. There is no sense that the Monsterbots' dialogue is supposed to be revelatory or poetic, or that their appearance is supposed to fill the reader with awe. It's just a colourful, kinetic splash page replete with groanworthy puns. It may not be what you want, but you can't honestly believe that Furman was trying for something other than what you got and fell short. He obviously thinks puns have their place; you don't.
McCarthy's scene with Jazz, however, was obviously supposed to impress upon us the idea that he's dangerous, clever and experienced. We're supposed to think, "Whoa! I wouldn't mess with that bastard." Hence his constantly stoic expression and the gun-in-the-face panel. Instead, it feels pretentious, ripped off from somewhere else, stagey and dull all at the same time. It's not that I don't think characters should ever be stoic, or badass, or deadly in the way that you don't think they should use cheesy puns - it's that the whole execution is poor.