sadly Wildman's art is nowhere as good as in the old times. Heck it's worse then on the UK Armada comic...
In the meantime, I stopped buying the hungarian release of the UK Movie-verse comic...
After 2 emails (and no replies) with helpful information to the translators, Issue #4 has hit a new low...
It's one thing that the whole thing reads like translated by a 4-year old who doesn't even speak hungarian, yet alone english. It's one thing that while they took the old hungarian Marvel names for some of the characters, for others they just made them up or left them in english... But....
There are some really horribly stupid translations. Just some examples:
-Lord Megatron is always translated roughly like "Mr. Megatron"...
-Laser-sighted barrage cannon= Laser Eyed cannon...
-"Keep it simple, keep it dumb"= "Keep it in the dumbness" (I cannot re-translate it better...
-When Devastator/Brawl sees Starscream he calls him a "Fork-thrower"... Anyone who read the UK original... what the hell was that supposed to be in english?
-Bonecrusher calls Devastator "Megatron's little blunt instrument". That's fine in english... but when translated directly into hungarian, well... "Instrument" also means the erm, reproductory organs of men. So Megatron's is little and blunt? I don't rate your chances of survival high, Bonecrusher...
-And the most... insipid one. In the Movie prequel, when BB throws himself at Megs when Megs wants to chase after the allspark, he shouts:
"No! Not on my watch!" - well... They translated that directly. Meaning that
OH my GOD, Megatron you bastard, you stepped on my watch! Now how will I be able to tell the time?
Frankly, I offered my services as a translator to the publisher. For free. Heck, I cannot bear to see a TF comic so mishandled...