Okay, seriously now...

Over the last 25 years the Transformers have appeared in media from the exquisite to the scribbled and been licensed to the responsible and the... Pat Lee. Discussion of all the branches of TF media within!

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Okay, seriously now...

Post by bobaprime85 » Thu Mar 10, 2005 9:43 pm

Is there a chance in hell that we will actually see the conclusion to Energon? The previews looked extra spiffy and Milne's art was just getting real good. I realize that, as of right now, it looks unlikely that we will see it just the way Furman originally planned it, but surely a guy can dream, can't he?

Continuing with unlikely possibilities, what about the chances of Furman continuing to write the comic once the Cybertron reboot comes in? I will be surprised if Hasbro doesn't push for some kind of comic tie-in, but can we hope that it will have, if not Furman, then at least someone who will treat the characters with respect and not just turn the thing into a friggin' kid-fest?

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Post by spiderfrommars » Thu Mar 10, 2005 11:17 pm

There'll be a Cybertron comic at some point I'd imagine. If the makers have any sense they'll tie it into existing continuity.

But I don't think the five part Energon conclusion 'Armageddon' will see the light of day as originally conceived, though it might get wrapped up in a convention exclusive or something.

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Post by bobaprime85 » Fri Mar 11, 2005 9:20 pm

spiderfrommars wrote:If the makers have any sense they'll tie it into existing continuity.
Hence my anxiety. I can only hope that the suits at Hasbro don't decide to base the books direction solely upon the sales figures at the time of the DW implosion.

As for Energon's conclusion, I would freely give whatever is left of my soul to see Furman's storyline presented the way he originally planned. I mean, with a title like 'Armageddon', how could it go wrong? A convention exclusive simply wouldn't do it justice, and on a personal note, it would make it incredibly hard for me to snag a copy. Bah!

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Post by spiderfrommars » Sat Mar 12, 2005 12:11 am

bobaprime85 wrote:I can only hope that the suits at Hasbro don't decide to base the books direction solely upon the sales figures at the time of the DW implosion.
You won't like this then...


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Post by Optimus Prime Rib » Sat Mar 12, 2005 6:15 am

I dont like anything. Except pudding.
Shanti418 wrote:
Whoa. You know they're going to make Panthro play bass.

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Post by bobaprime85 » Sat Mar 12, 2005 7:32 pm

In fact, it was this proposal that apparently got them the license to begin with, as Hasbro was unhappy that children had to venture into comic book shops for their TF comic fix.
This statement is beyond stupidity. One would think that, naturally, people would expect comics to be bought in a comic book store! Of course, it only gets worse.....
Unlike every other TF comic & cartoon, this will be a direct tie-in to the show. Same continuity, but with a focus that adds to the overall story.
Simon Furman will write all six albums, with several of the old DW artists returning to draw them.
Well, maybe it won't be a complete waste, then. However, I'm not going to hold out much hope.

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Post by Best First » Sat Mar 12, 2005 8:19 pm

direct tie in to the show sounds super wank.


One more reason to tar and feather Pat Lee.

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Post by Hound » Sat Mar 12, 2005 11:26 pm

I dunno, the basic concept behind the cartoon series is promising, there is a lot of scope for fleshing stuff out but does impose restrictions on what Furman can and can't do. Don't expect any major characters to die that is for sure...

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Post by jboyler » Sun Mar 13, 2005 5:18 pm

Hound wrote:I dunno, the basic concept behind the cartoon series is promising, there is a lot of scope for fleshing stuff out but does impose restrictions on what Furman can and can't do. Don't expect any major characters to die that is for sure...
But isn't this how Furman got his start on TF? I thought that the original British TF comic was sort of woven in with the US Marvel TF so that it told stories 'in between' the Marvel TF stories. He was working within a strict framework so that his stories couldn't conflict with the US Marvel ones, and it wasn't for some time that the British continuity started to move away from the US continuity.

As for the the idea itself, it sounds like SOP for TF comics. Furman (and non-Furman writers, whoever they may be) have always had to give the spotlight to Hasbro's newest flavor of the month. We can just hope that the new format with allow for some slower-paced stories, as the DW comics always seemed to have too much crammed on the page. And I'm also 100% behind innovation in comics. Isn't this the same thing they hoped to achieve with the 'pocketbooks' format?


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Post by bobaprime85 » Tue Mar 15, 2005 10:49 pm

I can't remember the set up with the UK/US comic, but that's really a different situation from having to tie in with a weekly cartoon. Talk about restrictions. Imagine just how badly things would have gone if the old Marvel comic had to tie in with the G1 cartoon. Crap on a stick, I tell you.

Oh well, Energon was nice while it lasted.... I suppose.

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Post by Stormwolf » Tue Mar 15, 2005 10:52 pm

bobaprime85 wrote:Imagine just how badly things would have gone if the old Marvel comic had to tie in with the G1 cartoon. Crap on a stick, I tell you.
Every issue would have been a filler issue :x

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