Name: Scrap
Faction: Autobot (?)/Dinobot
Function: Scout/Medic
Weapon(s): Energo dagger, laser pistol
Transformation: Protoceratops
Motto: "Violence only causes more conflicts."
Strength: 6
Intelligence: 8
Speed: 3
Endurance: 6
Rank: 5
Courage: 4
Firepower: 1
Skill: 3
Profile: As a genetic data duplicate of her brother Slag, Scrap looks a lot like him, but that is where the similarities end. In fact, the two sibilings are complete opposites in personality. While Slag is agressive and hostile, Scrap is more shy and timid. She also lacks Slag's passion of fighting, indulging herself as a pacifist. Scrap doesn't like violence, and hates to see people get hurt, especially her own brother. This much is known, as no one yet knows how she came from the strange stasis pod, out in the middle of the U.S.
Ablilites: In dinosaur mode and robot mode, Scrap is much smaller than all of the other Dinobots. In fact, she dwarfs them all, standing only about 20 feet tall. However, as a Protoceratops, she has armor plating around her neck like Slag, protecting her from enemy fire. She has specially designed optics that allow her to zoom in on areas very far away, almost up to a mile. She also has some medical skills and is willing to help all and any injuried, even a Decepticon.
Weakness: Of all the Dinobots, Scrap is the weakest as of yet. She is slower than Slag, and weaker as well. Her armor hide can only take up about half the damage Slag can take. Also, being a pacifist, she has all but no combat skills. She knows how to shoot off her pistol and swing her sword, but she just doesn't like too. Knowing this fact herself, she is an easy target for attackers from all sides. Her only protection comes from that of Slag, and the other Dinobots.