Regeneration Cover August Solicit (spolier)

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Big Honking Planet Eater
Joined:Sun Feb 06, 2005 1:58 am
Location:Florida, USA
Regeneration Cover August Solicit (spolier)

Post by Yaya » Thu May 16, 2013 10:29 pm ... ed_600.jpg

God, this cover is so deliciously 80's, I could douse it in gravy and sop that up with a biscuit.
"But the Costa story featuring Starscream? Fantastic! This guy is "The One", I just know it, just from these few pages. "--Yaya, who is never wrong.

Annoying Nebulan
Joined:Fri Mar 08, 2013 2:51 pm

Post by Snarler » Fri May 17, 2013 12:03 pm

While the solicitations say 'Ultra Magnus vs Galvatron!' I'm personally hoping more for Omega vs Galvy, largely because that particular throwdown hasn't been done before, while UM vs Galvy has been done fantastically several times already, notably in Target: 2006 and Burning Sky!

Guido's covers are great- while may be too labour intensive for the guy I'm hoping they pass all art duties (inking and coloring too) if they are going to let him pencil the book.

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