spiderfrommars wrote:Was this on telly or a DVD exclusive?
Was it good?
Is it essential?
Will you be watching Caprica?
Why have I never seen a baby pigeon?
An edited-for-tv version going to be on telly in the States next year. The extended cut came out on DVD/BD in the States this week. There is no news re the UK on either front yet.
It was decent and had some nifty fleshed-out insights. And lots of gratuitous nudity of the type you always get when somebody's allowed to do a straight-to-dvd unrated movie type thing. Win. It's no Daybreak, but it's nice to have BSG back.
Essential? Probably not. Answers a lot of the logistical questions of Cavil's association with Sam's resistance fighters on Caprica, Boomer's nature as a sleeper agent (with some good insight into her split personality and exactly why she was so ******-up post-download), and the Cylon agents on Galactica (including Shelley Godfrey). So not essential, but interesting to watch. The main narrative follows two Ones - one of whom is aboard Galactica, the other on Caprica, as they learn (or not) valuable lessons about the nature of humanity and exactly what they're fighting against.
I damn well bally will be watching Caprica. Have you seen the pilot yet?
Because you don't go round peering into pigeon nests. You're ornithologically challened.