by Impactor returns 2.0 » Fri Mar 21, 2008 3:22 pm
watched the first two episodes of this last night. I think its embarrisngly bad.
Its so cliched, with lines from the first two movies popping up, about emotions, and crying etc...
The script just seems, well, crap to be frank, the plot lines, daft. for example, episode 2, and sarah is tracking down a chess software coder, who might go onto to create the Dyson company... it was hardley thrilling stuff.
Then we have the terminator girl, Johns bodygaurd. I know she was in firefly etc... but she just doest deliver. corney lines like:
John jumps into a car, and declares "shotgun!" - the terminator shouts "9mm"
I swear, she doesnt even know what a 9mm is, it sounds awfull.
The direction is as good as, well, an episode of nieghbours, it lacks class, and feels very amtuer'ish in comparison to other scifi, for example, BSG.
the special effects are good in places, episode 1 looked greeat, but by EP2, they are pulling cheap tricks, for example, the terminator BG fires an Uzi.
What you see is her aiming, then a cut to her face, and the sound of an Uzi. seems they cant afford blanks...
Then we get terminator girl v's a standard T-100. Daft. she ****s up a t-100 with an Iron bar, seemingly knocking him out at one point. Terminators dont get kncoked out, they get damaged.
She then beats on him for a bit, and hes crawling, she finaly strangles him with a lead pipe. it looks daft, because hes clearly not damaged, and terminators dont breathe.
By the end of the fight, the gravitas of a terminator seems completely lost. if this is the same model as Arnie, im pretty sure he would fight harder.
not to mention it doesnt matter if terminator girl is a new model, shes simply lighter than the t-100, how ccan she possibly sit on his back and hold him down? a T100 could probably lift a tank.
All just felt very lame, incredibly cheap, and badly produced. yuk...