certain goals?
short term goals? long term goals?
i feel i need more of this stuff.
And less of this stuff:
basically i have recently moved to London, passed my driving test and got a hefty promotion, and i'm all of a sudden feeling 'what now'
i don't really see metting someone as a goal per se as i think that kind of stuff just has to happen, nor is it something you can effectively work at in a direct fashion anyway.
i am however a bit short of ideas. the few i have are
- get absurdly fit
- do some kind of conservation work at weekends
- join a political party (probably the yellow one, mmm, lellow)
but all feel a bit short term.
i feel like i'm drifting a bit basically - its not the end of the world but i feel i may be robbing myself of an opportunity to erally work at something. I don't want to epire having done little more than work and get pissed at weekends.
so, essentially, just a bit of a brain dump from me. feel free to ignore, share or comment.
or throw things.