Best First wrote:but surely you believe all other faiths aart from yours are not in fact the truth an dtherefore not subject to the same rules/delusions?
I do believe my religion is truth and all others are falsehood. Yes, that I do.
However, my faith like any other, can be misinterpreted to dangerous and evil ends, can be abused to further others selfish tendencies, and to incite violence throughout the world.
This is why I do not take my faith lightly, nor should any other Muslim. If I looked at my faith without taking into account what was
intended for it to mean or teach, then it is not Islam. It's the Religion of Yaya. The very purpose of Muhammad (PBUH) was to prevent this. The Koran is a book of "what", but to interpret it from oneself is no less evil, if not more so, than not following what's actually in it.
[quote="Karl Lynch] As a man 'close to Commander Shockwav' (sic)*, I was given to understand your disposition towards homosexuality was rather clearcut? [/quote]
I spoke with CS regarding his dialogue with you, and he apologizes for his childish outbreak. Though he disagrees with you on the issue in question and harbors no illwill toward you, his behavior was still uncalled for and better should have been expected of him.
As a Muslim, I believe that regardless of what my own personal preferences or likings might be, I am not the Definer of what is right and wrong. It is true that in Islam, homosexuality is forbidden. But so is premarital intercourse, so is immodest dress, so are open displays of sensual expression, so is alcohol, etc. Some this I am guilty of myself, but I maintain that I
am guilty and seek God's forgiveness for them. In Islam, this is
the key, not that the act was actually committed.
God's Mercy far surpasses His wrath according to the Koran. Prostitutes in Islam will go to heaven for slaking the thirst of hungry dogs (a Hadith). Drunks have gone to heaven for taking good care of their parents (another Hadith).
Whom am I to say you, Karl, will burn in Hell? Whom am I to say that I
won't? Am I the weigher of deeds, or is God? God is the Judge, and He knows His creation, and the hearts of all people, better than we know ourselves. We are all human, and by my own faith, I am far more guilty of things than you likely are (should you use my faith as criteria.) I have disrespected my parents. I have missed one of my five time daily prayers. Both of these things are considered in Islam
worse acts than homosexuality or adultery. Yet I stand guilty, and I have hope that God forgives me for them.
I will never say to you that all homosexuals are hellbound.
And I will never say
you are hellbound, whether you are homosexual or heterosexual.
But I will
not say that homosexual behavior is okay. That, I can not say to you. If you choose to dislike me for this belief, well, that is your prerogative.
When it comes to sensuality, be it hetero- or homo-, Islam restricts that behavior. Even heterosexual activity can be sinful if openly done, or done outside of defined circumstances. On the flip side, celebecy is also considered sinful, as it belies what God has Defined as right.
"But the Costa story featuring Starscream? Fantastic! This guy is "The One", I just know it, just from these few pages. "--Yaya, who is never wrong.