Yes, I know, I'm such a monster for taking the feelings of others, whether they are few or many, into consideration.Best First wrote: Could you be any more f***ed in the head?
Didn't realize you were the standard of sanity. Forgive me for not agreeing with you.
You have this uncanny ability to take my words and put your own little spin to them. Yes, I do choose to consider the needs of overweight and disfigured people. Because guess what. We are not a world of unfeeling robots.I choose to consider the needs of the fattys and Mr Wheelchair by not demonstrating the thing i know they could never possibly have - love. Thsi is my gift to them"
Most do not feel some sort of vicarious joy at seeing couples hug and kiss. If you do, good for you. That's respectable, as it is not the usual response.
Went to med school. Studied psychology, psychiatry, and sociopathic behavior. However, would that be even necessary? It's common sense, really. We live in a society where physical features are of paramount importance. This is propogated by big businesses who make a fortune selling things like makeup, clothes, fashion magazines, etc. Can you deny that many men come to value a woman by her looks and nothing more? Maybe in the UK, things are different. But talk to the teenibopper here, and you will come to know how serious a problem this do you know this? Done a survey? Or just... applied your own feelings on the matter to faceles masses as usual?
That's just me.
[composite word including 'f*ck'] man, I just said that. What part of "That's just me?" don't you understand?Maybe you should speak for just you then?