Aeon Flux

If the Ivory Tower is the brain of the board, and the Transformers discussion is its heart, then General Discussions is the waste disposal pipe. Or kidney. Or something suitably pulpy and soft, like 4 week old bananas.

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Insane Decepticon Commander
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Aeon Flux

Post by Hound » Sun Feb 26, 2006 10:09 pm

Went to see this at the weekend. Really enjoyed it. Decent story, interesting concept and some cool gadgets. I felt like the characters were a bit cold, but it all made a lot more sense come the end of the film.

I think I may have to go and buy the animated series now

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Metal Vendetta
Big Honking Planet Eater
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Post by Metal Vendetta » Mon Feb 27, 2006 12:47 pm

I thought Theron was an odd choice for Aeon, but I'm still going to see this. The animated series was mind-blowing in places.
I would have waited a ******* eternity for this!!!!
Impactor returns 2.0, 28th January 2010

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