Chile is a wonderful place, people are very warm and I liked a lot that its a very strutured and organized country.
I spent as much time with my gf as possible. I lived in her house with her grandparents, and truth to be told all her family treated me as a member (even my gf nieces and nephews called me "uncle").
I also had the opportunity to know many places and specially a lot of wine (cause in the province she lives is the heart of the wine industry of the country). I also bought 12 tfs (a few G1 pretenders among them).
I finally met the "Huascar" which is an old ship. The Huascar was the peruvian flagship commanded by Miguel Grau in the war between Peru and Chile (of 1879) who was captured after many months of battle. Because of its importance turned later into a museum, and is now in a port in Chile. (The Huascar is very meaningful to me because Grau is a relative).
At the end, my Gf and me had that little tough conversation of what should we do know. We know live in different countries (although near) and a relationship held that way is very difficult (this 6 months away from her were very painful). We agreed that we will make our greatest effort to be together again, but if thats not possible none of us will have bad feelings about it. Its very likely next year she will come over, and then me. Or, like I told her, she can come here whenever she wants and marrying her is not a problem.
Hello again, and thanks to the good wishes I read from you when I left.