Underground UFO base in Himalayas

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Ultimate Weapon
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Underground UFO base in Himalayas

Post by Ultimate Weapon » Mon Jan 10, 2005 6:44 pm


Post by Guest » Mon Jan 10, 2005 7:10 pm

Hmm, would somebody who wanted to build a secret military base underground really locate it on a fault line, just so they could get it that little bit deeper? :eyebrow:

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Ultimate Weapon
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Post by Ultimate Weapon » Mon Jan 10, 2005 7:16 pm

Rebis wrote:Hmm, would somebody who wanted to build a secret military base underground really locate it on a fault line, just so they could get it that little bit deeper? :eyebrow:
The only recourse from a ground penetrating nuke. Hmm do they have those yet? :?: It also seems strange to build such a facility in disputed territory.


Post by Guest » Mon Jan 10, 2005 7:33 pm

Ultimate Weapon wrote:The only recourse from a ground penetrating nuke. Hmm do they have those yet? :?:
Only when stars die.

The ground kinda keeps most nuclear radiation from doing any damage by absorbing it. ;)

Or do you mean moles?

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Ultimate Weapon
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Post by Ultimate Weapon » Mon Jan 10, 2005 7:59 pm

Rebis wrote:
Ultimate Weapon wrote:The only recourse from a ground penetrating nuke. Hmm do they have those yet? :?:
Only when stars die.

The ground kinda keeps most nuclear radiation from doing any damage by absorbing it. ;)

Or do you mean moles?
Actually Donald Rumsfeld appeared before the congress to seek funding for a bunker buster nuke. Hmm.


Post by Guest » Mon Jan 10, 2005 10:05 pm

Ultimate Weapon wrote:
Rebis wrote:
Ultimate Weapon wrote:The only recourse from a ground penetrating nuke. Hmm do they have those yet? :?:
Only when stars die.

The ground kinda keeps most nuclear radiation from doing any damage by absorbing it. ;)

Or do you mean moles?
Actually Donald Rumsfeld appeared before the congress to seek funding for a bunker buster nuke. Hmm.
Donald Rumsfeld the world-reknowned nuclear physicist? :roll:

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Post by Optimus Prime Rib » Mon Jan 10, 2005 10:14 pm

Rebis wrote:
Ultimate Weapon wrote:
Rebis wrote: Only when stars die.

The ground kinda keeps most nuclear radiation from doing any damage by absorbing it. ;)

Or do you mean moles?
Actually Donald Rumsfeld appeared before the congress to seek funding for a bunker buster nuke. Hmm.
Donald Rumsfeld the world-reknowned nuclear physicist? :roll:
no. Donald Rumsfeld the world-reknowned nuclear holocaust :lol:
Shanti418 wrote:
Whoa. You know they're going to make Panthro play bass.

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Post by Brendocon » Mon Jan 10, 2005 10:30 pm

Blah blah blah UFO blah blah secret conspiracy blah blah yawn.

The people that harp on about that crap make me laff so damn much.

Conspiracy theorists are such great entertainment.


OK. Underground facility? Check. Not allowed to photograph? Check. Ask any questions and get told to bugger off? Check. Officially get told the place doesn't exist? Check.

All of which naturally means that it's a secret government conspiracy for hiding UFOs and dissecting aliens.

Balls to that.

It's underground because it was a fallout shelter during the war.

Not allowed to photograph because it's an MoD facility and as such is covered by the Official Secrets Act and all that guff.

Ask any questions and get told to bugger off? Well are you surprised?

Officially get told the place doesn't exist? Well how many MoD sites appear on Ordnance Survey Maps? Just under none. Alternatively look in the AA Road Atlas under the section marked "Hey, Mr Enemy - here's where our military are stationed!"

And yes, I've been down there.

I love the section claiming that the sale of sites are bogus cover stories... based solely on the evidence that there are still underground tunnels. Because we all know that if the top land gets sold, everything underneath ceases to exist.
Grrr. Argh.

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Post by Legion » Tue Jan 11, 2005 1:15 am

Brendocon wrote:OK. Underground facility? Check. Not allowed to photograph? Check. Ask any questions and get told to bugger off? Check. Officially get told the place doesn't exist? Check.
Damn, Brend's found the Legion-cave... must relocate my coke supplies before it's too late...

*grabs coat and runs for the hills*

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Post by BB Shockwave » Tue Jan 11, 2005 8:42 am

[Kup]This reminds me... Anyone up for Fallout Tactics?[/Kup]

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